Julian di Giovanni

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Social & Behavioural Sciences

Julian di Giovanni is an ICREA Research Professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, the Deputy Director for Research and a Research Professor at the Barcelona GSE, a Research Associate at the CREI, and a Research Fellow of the CEPR. He worked for the Research Department of the IMF from 2004-2013. He has been a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto, and a Visiting Scholar at the Banque de France, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, and the IMF. He was awarded an International Incoming Fellowship from the European Research Council Marie Curie Actions (2014), and a European Research Council Consolidator Grant (2016). He has published in the American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of the European Economic Association, and other leading economic journals. He received his PhD in Economics at the University of California, Berkeley in 2004.

Research interests

I work in international economics and macroeconomics broadly defined, with a recent focus on empirical work using big data. The underlying aim in the majority of my work is to provide a better understanding of how different forms of cross-country integration impact domestic economic outcomes. One strand of my current research studies how shocks at the firm transmit across countries via production linkages, and the implications for macroeconomic interdependence. This work builds on past research that studies the importance of micro shocks and large firms in driving macroecomic fluctuations. I have also worked on the transmission of monetary shocks across borders, and I am currently involved in projects studying (i) the impact of the global financial cycle on local credit markets in emerging markets, and (ii) the impact of government procurement projects on allocative efficiency and aggregate productivity.

Selected publications

- di Giovanni J, Levchenko AA & Mejean I 2017, 'Large Firms and International Business Cycle Comovement', American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 107, 5, 598 - 602.

- Baskaya YS, di Giovanni J, Kalemli-Ozcan S, Peydró JL & Ulu MF 2017, 'Capital Flows and the International Credit Channel', Journal of International Economics, 108, S15 - S22.

Selected research activities

  • European Research Council Consolidator Grant, “Global Production Networks and Macroeconomic Interdependence"
  • Becas Leonardo a Investigadores y Creadores Culturales, Fundación BBVA, “Proyectos públicos, financiación empresarial y productividad agregada”
  • Deputy Director for the Barcelona GSE
  • Associate Editor, Journal of International Economics
  • Referee service: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, Journal of International Economics, Quaterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economics & Statistics
  • Co-Organizer "Firms in the Global Economy" workshop at the Barcelona GSE Summer Forum; and “Rethinking Competitiveness, Structural Reforms, and Macro Policy” Conference, Bank of Italy-CEPR-CEBRA
  • Local Committee Chair: 42nd Spanish Economic Association Meeting; and  European Winter Meetings of the Econometric Society
  • Seminars: Bank of England, Bank of Italy, Norges Bank
  • International Conference Discussant: NBER Summer Institute (ITM); and NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics
  • Visitor: Bank of England, One Bank Visitor Programme