Matthias Tischler

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Matthias M. Tischler, born 1968 in Münchberg (Germany), studied Medieval and Modern History, Applied Historical Sciences, Latin and Romance Philology, Philosophy, Theology and Islamic Studies at the Universities of Heidelberg, Munich and Frankfurt. He obtained his PhD in Heidelberg (1998). After holding PostDoc positions at Paris (DHI) and Bamberg, he was an Assistant Professor at Frankfurt (2001-2009). After his habilitation at Dresden (2008/2009), he was Associate Professor (2009/2012), Senior Research Fellow at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) (2013/2014) and Research Group Leader at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (IMAFO) in Vienna (2015/2016). He was a Visiting Professor of the ÉPHÉ in Paris (2015) and a Senior Research Fellow at the Medieval Institute of the University of Notre Dame, USA (2016). In 2016 he accepted a position at ICREA at the Department of Ancient and Medieval Studies of the UAB, which he has held since January 1, 2017.

Research interests

My studies are raising the question about the geographical, linguistic, religious, cultural and mental borders of the multi-layered legacy in the centers and peripheries of the Medieval Worlds. First, I have analyzed the Europe-wide intellectual attraction and radiance of the Parisian abbey of Saint-Victor in the mirror of its exegetical and theological production, focusing on the German, Anglo-Saxon, French, Italian and Hispanic areas. Then, I have broadened my panorama to reconstruct European religious and intellectual identities by conducting extensive research on texts of Christian-Muslim encounters and perceptions in Europe. On this basis, I have been able to pursue studies on early Christian polemics against Islam, on the linguistic and religious borders between Christians, Jews and Muslims, and on processes of religious and cultural passages, entanglement and dis/integration among the members of the three monotheisms, especially in the Carolingian and Iberian Worlds.

Selected publications

Tischler M 2017, Journal of Transcultural Medieval Studies 4, 1–2, 336 pp. (Editor-in-Chief).

Tischler M 2017, ‘Eine unbekannte Handschrift der Chronik des Frutolf von Michelsberg/Ekkehart von Aura des 12. Jahrhunderts im Gleimhaus zu Halberstadt’, Gemeinnützige Blätter 48, 77–81.

Tischler M 2017, ‘The Biblical Tradition of the Iberian Peninsula from the Eighth to the Twelfth Centuries seen from a Typological Standpoint’, Lusitania Sacra 34, 33–59.

Tischler M 2017, ‘Quelques remarques sur Nicolas Maniacoria. À propos de l’édition critique de son ‘Suffraganeus Bibliothece’, Revue d’histoire eccléstiastique 112, 239–244.

Tischler M & Marschner P 2017, ‘The Bible in Historical Perception and Writing of the Transcultural Iberian Societies, Eighth to Twelfth Centuries’, Medieval Worlds 5, 195–220.

– Stöber K & Tischler M 2017, ‘Der Stand der Zisterzienserforschung auf der Iberischen Halbinsel’, Cistercienser Chronik 124, 573–585.

Tischler M 2017, ‘Eine Cistercienserreform in Saint-Victor zu Beginn des 13. Jahrhunderts? Beobachtungen zu einer neuen Handschrift der ‘Carta Caritatis posterior’ und der ‘Instituta Capitula Generalis Ordinis Cisterciensis”. Mit Edition, Analecta Cisterciensia 69, 234–278.

Selected research activities

Reviewer of the PhD Thesis by Andrea Collella MA: Jüdischer Kulturschatz auf der Insel des göttlichen Taus. Die Juden in Süditalien von den Anfängen bis zur Zeit Gregors des Großen, Univ. of Vienna, Sep. 28, 2017.

Co-Director of the FWF-Project “Bible and Historiography in Transcultural Iberian Societies, 8th to 12th Centuries” (2015–2019) and the HERA-Project “After Empire: Using and Not Using the Past in the Crisis of the Carolingian World, c.900‒c.1050” (2016–2019).

Member of the Editorial Board of the Arxiu de textos catalans antics.

Papers at conferences, workshops and a doctoral school in St Andrews, Berlin, Vienna, Zwettl and Barcelona.

Courses in Berlin, Barcelona and Vienna.

Peer Reviewer of Early Medieval Europe and Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study.