The ICREA Conference Awards fund international conferences and workshops at the highest level, including among its participants world leaders in the fields covered by the events. The Awards are given annually, following a competition restricted to ICREA researchers.

The awarded events may be devoted to any area of knowledge that is relevant to the research carried out by the applicants, although priority is given to cutting-edge fields and interdisciplinary subjects.

This ICREA Conference Award was granted in 2016.

  • “ICREA Conference across tumour heterogeneity and evolution in cancer: from in silico studies to clinical impact”

Pablo Menéndez, ICREA at the Institut de Recerca contra la Leucèmia Josep Carreras (IJC), Joan Seoane, ICREA at the Vall d’Hebron Institute d’Oncologia (VHIO), Núria López-Bigas, ICREA at the Institut de Recerca Biomedica (IRB Barcelona) and David Torrents, ICREA at the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre – Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS)

Venue: Campus Clínico August Pi i Sunyer – Carrer de Casanova 143, Barcelona
Dates:  6-7  March 2017  


These series of convesations is yet another initiative in the ongoing joint project of the CCCB and the Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA – Catalan Institute for Research and Advanced Studies) which aims to inform the public about the challenges being faced by advanced research being done in Catalonia today.


Planet 2050  –  Conversations about future scenarios stemming from the climate crisis


Focused on a hypothetical year – 2050 – let’s reflect on future scenarios stemming from the climate crisis and address the challenges that lie ahead in order to tackle the gloomiest predictions.

Climate change is the agent that will shape our future world. Migratory shifts, climate-related diseases, uninhabitable zones and new geopolitical relationships are, without doubt, among the problems the planet will have to face over the coming decades. Moreover, scientists are alerting us to the fact that it is becoming increasingly likely that global warming will take our planet to a point of no return, with unforeseeable consequences for our civilisation.

The idea of a world radically different to ours is, perhaps, the only certainty about the future that is approaching. Whether we want to reverse the process of global warming, or if this process proves unstoppable, we will have to begin to live in a very different way. So, if this change is inevitable, what are prospects for the future of our planet? Should we listen to those people who are committed to degrowth as the only way out? Should we use innovations in synthetic biology to repair the damaged ecosystems?

All the discussions are moderated by the journalist Mercè Folch, the writer and co-presenter of the programme «El suplement» on Catalunya Ràdio.

Read more

7 November 2017

Reinhabiting the Earth
Ricard Solè, ICREA Research Professor at UPF and Patrizia Ziveri,  ICREA Research Professor at ICTA-UAB.

Read more  |  Video

14 November 2017

New clima, new diseases?
Frederic Bartomeus, ICREA Research Professor at CSIC-CEAB and Xavier Rodó, ICREA Research Professor at ISGlobal.

Read more  |  Video

21 November 2017

Social and Cultural Conflict
Paula Casal, ICREA Research Professor at UPF and Victoria Reyes-García,  ICREA Research Professor at ICTA-UAB.

Read more  |  Video

28 November 2017

Economic Model and Global Migrations
Pau Baizan, ICREA Research Professor at UPF and Girgos Kallis,  ICREA Research Professor at ICTA-UAB.

Read more  |  Video

© CCCB, 2017

ICREAs at the Dia de la Ciència a les Escoles (Science Day at Schools)

18 November 2017

ICREA Researchers took an active role once again in the Dia de la Ciència a les Escoles (Science Day at Schools). This is a popular annual activity, organized by the Catalan Government and the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI), and one of the highlights of the Setmana de la Ciència (Science Week). The activity consists of a large number of science talks (101 this year) addressed to high school students all over Catalonia and delivered on the same day by scientists of all disciplines. The goal is to awaken the interest for science and technology among the young people.

Here are the ICREAs who participated in the 2017 sessions:

Jordi Arbiol (ICN2)
Veient els àtoms de prop: un viatge al nanomón. Institut Cavall Vernat. Terrassa. Barcelona

Joan Bagaria (UB)
L’infinit i les seves paradoxes. Sala d’actes INS Federica Montseny. Badia del Vallès, Barcelona

Carme Belarte (ICAC)
La arqueologia i la col·laboració amb altres ciències. Institut Sant Pere i Sant Pau. Tarragona

Francesc Burjachs (IPHES)
Per què a vegades fa calor i d’altres fred? Canvis climàtics i evolució humana. Institut Fonts del Glorieta. Alcover. Tarragona

Miguel Chillón (UAB & VHIR)
Què és i què es pot fer amb la teràpia gènica? Teatre Municipal de Montcada i Reixac. Montcada i Reixac. Barcelona

Alfred Cortés (ISGlobal)
Com funcionen els paràsits de la malària “per dintre”? Museu d’Història. Sant Feliu de Guíxols . Sant Feliu de Guíxols. Girona

Roberto Emparan (UB)
Hasta el infinito y más allá! Agujeros negros, ondas gravitatorias y los límites del Universo. Institut Joaquim Rubió i Ors. Sant Boi de Llobregat. Barcelona.

Alejandro Goñi (CSIC – ICMAB)
La magia de la termoelectricidad: materiales que transforman calor en electricidad. Institut Maremar. El Masnou. Barcelona

Aurelio Juste (IFAE)
Un universo insólito. Escola El Turó. Mataró. Barcelona

Josep Maria Llovet (IDIBAPS)
El metge investigador. INS Joan Brossa. Barcelona.

Tomàs Marquès (UPF)
Cosins de ximpanzes i parents de Neandertals. La genetica aplicada a l’evolució. Centre d’estudis Mollet. Mollet del Vallès. Barcelona

Jaume Martínez García (CRAG)
Todo lo que siempre quiso saber sobre las plantas y nunca se atrevió a preguntar. INS Menéndez y Pelayo. Barcelona. Barcelona

Bienvenido Martínez Navarro (IPHES)
Orce: Un “spa” per a mamuts, hominids i hienes. INS Priorat- Falset. Falset. Tarragona

Pere Martínez Serra (UB)
Què ens diuen les molècules sobre l’origen i l’evolució dels éssers vius? Museu Cerdà -. Puigcerdà. Girona

Pablo Menéndez (IJC)
¿Por qué la biomedicina es más importante económicamente que la medicina? INS Vinyes Velles. Montornès del Vallès. Barcelona

Soraya Pelaz (CRAG)
Flores y Pelos, ¿hablamos de plantas? Institut Argentona. Argentona. Barcelona

Gustavo A. Slafer (UdL)
¿Cómo saben las plantas cuando deben florecer? INS La Mitjana. Lleida

Marcel Swart (UdG)
I’m a Chemist ….. (Soc químic …..). INS Ermessenda. Girona

Juan Valcárcel (CRG)
Lo que queda por descubrir de nuestros genomas. Biblioteca Singuerlín-Salvador Cabré. Santa Coloma de Gramenet. Barcelona