Vassil Alexandrov

Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación

Experimental Sciences & Mathematics

Vassil Alexandrov is an ICREA Research Professor in Computational Science at BSC since September 2010. He holds a MSc in Applied Mathematics from Moscow State University, Russia (1984) and a PhD in Parallel Computing from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1995). He has held previous positions at the University of Liverpool, UK (Depts. of Statistics and Computational Mathematics and Computer Science, 1994-1999), the University of Reading, UK (School of Systems Engineering, 1999-2010, as Professor of Computational Science leading the Computational Science research group until September 2010, and as the Director of the Centre for Advanced Computing and Emerging Technologies until July 2010). He is an Editorial Board member and a Guest Editor of the Journal of Computational Science and Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. He has published over 120 papers in renowned refereed journals and international conferences in the area of his research expertise.

Research interests

My expertise and research interests are in the area of Computational Science and High Performance Computing focusing on Data and Compute Intensive problems and encompassing stochastic modelling, Monte Carlo methods and algorithms, parallel algorithms, Parallel Computing, Scalable Algorithms for Large Scale Systems and Applications. In particular, the emphasis is on novel scalable stochastic and hybrid mathematical methods and algorithms such as scalable hybrid Monte Carlo algorithms for variety of supercomputing architectures for Linear Algebra, Optimization, Computational Finance, Environmental Models, Computational Biology, etc. In addition the research focuses on scalable, fault-tolerant and resilient algorithms for petascale and exascale computing paradigms. These are applied through various collaborations to applications in diverse areas.

Selected publications

- Karaivanova A, Alexandrov V, Gurov T & Ivanovska S 2017, 'On the Monte Carlo Matrix Computations on Intel MIC Architecture', Cybernetics And Information Technologies, 17, 5, 49 - 59.

- Hervert-Escobar L & Alexandrov V 2017, 'Iterative Projection approach for solving the Territorial Business Sales optimization problem', Procedia Computer Science, V. 122,  pp 1069–1076.

- Blokh I & Alexandrov V 2017'News clustering based on similarity analysis', Procedia Computer Science, V.122, pp 715–719.       

- Hervert L & Alexandrov V 2017, 'Territorial Design Optimization for Business Sales Plan', Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10665, pp. 275-282.

- Espinosa-Oviedo JA, Vargas-Solar G, Alexandrov V & Zechinelli-Mertini JL 2017, 'Correlating digital footprints for discovering social connections in crowds”, Data Analytics solutions for Real-LIfe Applications Workshop, (DARLI-AP 2017),  IEEE Computer Society Press.

Selected research activities

  • Distinguished Visiting Professor in Computational Science at Tecnologico de Monterrey (ITESM), Mexico (January 2015 - present), providing rsearch leadership and focusing on developing efficient methods and algorithms for data and compute intensive problems and applications.
  • Participated and contributed to ETP4HPC Strategic Research Agenda III as part of Mathematics for Exascale ETP4HPC working group

Conferences/Workshops Organization:

  • 8th Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Systems Workshop at Supercomputing 2017, Denver, Nov. 2017, USA.  
  • 5th Solving Problems with Uncertainties Workshop on ICCS 2017, Zurich, Switzerland, June 2017.
  • 4th Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Extreme Scale Computing Workshop on ICCS 2017, Zurich, Switzerland, June 2017.
  • 3rd Workshop/Special session on High Performance Data Analysis on ITQM, New Delhi, December 2017.


  • Editorial Board member and Guest Editor of a special issue - Route to Exascale , Part II, of Journal of Computational Science, Elsevier.