Jordi Cabot

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Engineering Sciences

Jordi Cabot received his PhD degree in Computer Science from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in 2006 and his Habilitation (French HdR) from the École Doctorale in Nantes in 2012. He has been a visiting researcher in Milan (Politecnico di Milano) and Toronto (University of Toronto) and an Associate Professor and Inria International Chair at École des Mines de Nantes where he led an Inria Research team in Software Engineering. Since May 2015, he is an ICREA Research Professor at Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3), a research center of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) where he leads the SOM (Systems, Software and Models) research lab. Beyond his core research activities, he tries to book some time for blogging and other dissemination and technology transfer actions.

Research interests

My research falls into the broad area of systems and software engineering, especially promoting the rigorous use of software models and engineering principles in all software engineering tasks while keeping an eye on the most unpredictable element in any project: the people involved in it. Current research topics include the development of pragmatic formal verification techniques to assess the quality and security of software systems, the analysis and data mining of open source projects (and the communities around them) to optimize their collaboration and organizational structures and the study of scalability challenges in the design and deployment of large systems.

Selected publications

- Cosentino V, Cánovas Izquierdo JL & Cabot J 2017, 'A Systematic Mapping Study of Software Development With GitHub', IEEE Access 5: 7173-7192.

- Gwendal D, Jouault F, Sunyé G & Cabot J 2017, 'Gremlin-ATL: a scalable model transformation framework', ASE 2017: 462-472

- Cánovas Izquierdo JL, Cosentino V & Cabot J 2017 'An Empirical Study on the Maturity of the Eclipse Modeling Ecosystem', MoDELS, 292-302.

- Brambilla M, Cabot J, Cánovas Izquierdo JL & Mauri A 2017, 'Better call the crowd: using crowdsourcing to shape the notation of domain-specific languages',  SLE, Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering, 129-138.

- Martinez S, Cosentino V & Cabot J 2017, 'Model-based analysis of Java EE web security misconfigurations', Computer Languages Systems & Structures, 49, 36 - 61.

- Gwendal, D, Sunye G, Benelallam A, Tisi M, Vernageau Y, Gomez A & Cabot J 2017, 'NeoEMF: A multi-database model persistence framework for very large models', Science Of Computer Programming, 149, 9 - 14.

- Brambilla M, Cabot J  & Wimmer M 2017, Model-Driven Software Engineering in Practice, Second Edition. Synthesis Lectures on Software Engineering, Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

Selected research activities

PC Chair of 17th International Conference on Web Engineering

Co-Supervised the thesis "Efficient Persistence, Query and Transformation of Very Large Models" defended at the École nationale supérieure des mines de Nantes

Start of the "Open Data for All" National RETOS project - TIN2016-75944-R

Start of the H2020 ECSEL JU Project MegaM@art2 with 27 partners and 16.5 M of overall budget

Keynote speaker at the RuleML+RR 2017 and GDR GPL 2017 conferences