Alejandro Coroleu

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


After studying Classics and Renaissance Studies at the Universitat de Barcelona, I undertook postdoctoral research at The Warburg Institute (University of London). I taught and researched at the University of Nottingham between 1995 and 2008. I have also been Visiting Lecturer at the University of Cambridge and at the University of Salzburg. In 2009 I accepted a Research Professorship at ICREA in the Department of Catalan at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona where I am conducting research on Renaissance literary culture. Since 1 March 2012 I am also an Honorary Senior Research Fellow, attached to the Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (University of Nottingham).

Research interests

Classical and Comparative Literature: Latin literary culture in Europe (1500-1780). Intellectual History and Renaissance Studies: Hispanic, Italian and European Humanism. The reception of Greek and Roman literatures in Catalunya (1480-1750).

Selected publications

- 'Brief Forms in Medieval and Early Modern Hispanic Literature', 2017, (eds) Taylor B & Coroleu A, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

- Coroleu A 2017, 'A note on the circulation of Virgil’s Eclogues in Renaissance Spain, 1496-1601', in Latin and Vernacular in Renaissance Iberia, V: Pastoral from the Middle Ages to the Baroque, (eds). Taylor B & Coroleu A, Special issue of Bulletin of Spanish Studies.

- Coroleu A 2017, 'Notes sobre la difusió dels textos clàssics a la Catalunya del Sis-cents', in Els clàssics i la llengua literària, ed. Jufresa. Barcelona: IEC. pp. 71-85.

- Coroelu A & Taylor B 2017, 'Robert Brian Tate', in Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the British Academy, XVI, 303-21.

- Coroleu A 2017, 'Review of A. Severi, Filippo Beroaldo il Vecchio un maestro per l’Europa. Da commentatore di classici a classico moderno (Bologna,2015)', in International Journal Of The Classical Tradition, 24, 1, 144-46.

Selected research activities

I delivered the Twelfth Jozef IJsewijn Lecture at the Katholieke Universiteit. I have given two papers at international conferences held in Barcelona, and Baeza, and a lecture within the SCEC. I contributed a paper to the Jornades docents: traduir dels clàssics avui, UAB

I co-organised the colloquium Traduccions catalanes dels clàssics (1800-1950) at the IEC

I have peer-reviewed five articles for Revista Manuscrits, Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia, Humanistica Lovaniensia, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, and Bulletin of Spanish Studies

I have sat on the scientific committee of an international conference held in Girona

I have sat on the editorial board of ITACA: Quaderns de Cultura Clàssica (Universitat de Barcelona), Futuro Classico (Università di Bari) and Studia Aurea (Universitat de Girona)

Secretary of the Societat Catalana d’Estudis Clássics

Member of the Editorial Advisory Group (Classical Literature) for Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Guest lecturer: University of Portland (Salzburg Program and Unversitat de Girona