ICREA research professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and group leader of the computational biophysics laboratory and associate professor at UPF.
I have a bachelor degree in applied mathematics (1997, University of Bologna) and a PhD in computational chemistry (2002, Queen Mary University of London). I have worked at the CINECA supercomputing center (1998-1999), at University College London (2003-2006) and later I won a 5 year Ramon y Cajal tenure-track fellowship at University Pompeu Fabra and the I3 program, before becoming ICREA Professor.
I have published 80 articles in international journals (PNAS, JACS, Nat. Chem., Nat. Commun., etc). My h-index is 30 with over 3200 citations. In the last four years I gave 30 oral presentations at international conferences (18 as invited speaker) and lectures in many pharmaceutical companies. I am associate editor of “In-silico pharmacology”.