E Eyras is ICREA Research Professor since January 2005. After graduating in Physics (U. of Granada, 1995) he did a PhD in Mathematics (U. of Groningen, The Netherlands, 1999) and postdoc (U. of Cambridge, UK) (1999-2001). In 2001, Eyras joined the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK (2001-2004), where he worked on methods for alternative splicing prediction and participated in the analyses of the human, mouse and rat genomes. He has also contributed to the analyses of alternative splicing in the chicken and cow genome genomes and since 2007, he has been organizer of the RNA workshop of the ISMB conference. In 2008 was awarded a Young Investigator Grant of the EURASNET network, and in 2013 he was a visiting professor at the U. of Toronto. E. Eyras leads a research group on Computational RNA Biology and Disease and teaches Machine Learning in genomics in the Masters of Bioinformatics for Health of the UPF.