Alejandro R. Goñi

Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona

Engineering Sciences

I was born in Córdoba, Argentina, and graduated in physics in 1985 from Balseiro Institute, Bariloche, Argentina. In 1986 I moved to Germany for my PhD at the Max-Planck Institute FKF in Stuttgart with Prof. M. Cardona, which I finished in 1989. It followed a two-years postdoc at AT&T Bell Labs in Murray Hill, USA, and back to the MPI Stuttgart for three years. In 1996 I switched to the Technical University of Berlin for an appointment as Research & Teaching Associate. In 1999 I was awarded the Karl-Scheel Prize of the Physical Society of Berlin for my contributions to the field of high-pressure semiconductor physics. I joined the Optoelectronic Properties of Nanostructured Materials group at ICMAB-CSIC in November 2003 as ICREA. I created a facility for optical spectroscopy with micro and nanometer-scale resolution and set up a laboratory for high-pressure physics. I am leading group activities on thermoelectricity, high pressure and hybrid perovskites.

Research interests

I am an experimental physicist with broad interests and expertise in solid-state physics, optical spectroscopy (Raman scattering, photoluminescence, etc.), nano-science and technology, thermoelectricity, the physics of low-dimensional materials (superlattices, quantum wires and dots), highly correlated electron systems, and high-pressure techniques. Essentially, I use light as a probe of the physical properties of all kinds of organic and/or inorganic molecular and nano-materials, searching for new behaviors or phenomena that emerge as a direct consequence of the reduced dimensionality and/or size of the material system under study. Although I am pursuing basic research, almost all my lines of investigation have a clear application in mind, such as to improve the performance of optoelectronic devices based on nano-materials, enhance thermoelectric and/or photovoltaic properties, boost piezo-resistive coefficients, develop ultra-sensitive spectroscopic techniques, etc.

Selected publications

– Rodríguez-Martínez X, Vezie MS, Shi X, McCulloch I, Nelson J, Goñi AR, Campoy-Quiles M 2017, ‘Quantifying Local Thickness and Composition in Thin Films of Organic Photovoltaic Blends by Raman Scattering’, J. Mater. Chem. C. 5, 7270-7282.

– Plyushcheva MV, Pereira da Silva K, Aneli NB, Vays VB, Kondrashov FA & Goñi AR 2017, ‘Two-Color Fluorescence of Elytra of Scale-Worm Lepidonotus Squamatus (Polychaeta, Polynoidae): in-vivo Spectral Characteristic’, Mater. Today: Proceed. 4, 4998-5005.

– Livneh T, Reparaz JS & Goñi AR 2017, ‘Low-Temperature Resonant Raman Asymmetry in 2H-MoS2 under High Pressure’, J. Phys.: Cond. Matter. 29, 435702/1-9.

– El Sachat A, Reparaz JS, Spiece J, Alonso MI, Goñi AR, Garriga M, Vaccaro PO, Wagner MR, Kolosov OV, Sotomayor Torres CM & Alzina F 2017, ‘Thermal Transport in Epitaxial Si1-xGex Alloy Nanowires with Varying Composition and Morphology’, Nanotechnol. 28, 505704/1-10.

– Alonso MI, Funke S, González A, Garriga M, Vaccaro PO, Goñi AR, Ruiz A, Alonso M, & Thiesen PH 2017, ‘Spectroscopic Imaging Ellipsometry of Self-Assembled SiGe/Si Nanostructures’, Appl. Surf. Sci. 421, 547-552.

– Cuxart MG, Sics I, Goñi AR, Pach E, Sauthier G, Paradinas M, Foerster M, Aballe L, Moreno Fernández H, Carlino V, & Pellegrin E 2017, ‘Inductively Coupled Remote Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (rPE-CVD) as a Versatile Route for the Deposition of Graphene Micro- and Nanostructures’, Carbon 117, 331-342.

– Niu P, Asturias-Arribas L, Jordà X, Goñi AR, Roig A, Gich M & Fernández-Sánchez C 2017, ‘Carbon-Silica Composites to Produce Highly Robust Thin-Film Electrochemical Microdevices‘, Adv. Mater. Technol., 1700163/1-11.

Selected research activities

Main Invited talk:

Using pressure to unravel the nature of optical transitions in quantum dots, Current trends in Optical and X-Ray metrologies of key enabling nanomaterials/devices for the Ubiquitous Society, renewable energy and health (OptoX NANO), Okayama, Japan, November 2017.