Josep M. Llovet

Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer

Life & Medical Sciences

Josep M. Llovet, MD is ICREA Research Professor, BCLC Group, Liver Unit, IDIBAPS, Hospital Clinic, Univ. Barcelona, Prof. of Medicine and Director of the Liver Cancer Program at the Icahn Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NY. He has published 265 manuscripts in Liver Cancer, including NEJM, Lancet, Nature, Nat. Genet., Cancer Cell and Gastroenterology (IF:3451;citations:51650;h-index:95). Top 1% most cited researcher globally, Thomson Reuters (2014-2017), Educational Councilor (2013-15), President of the ILCA (2011-13), Senior Editor of CCR, he has lectured in 556 international meetings and has been the PI of European grants FP7-HEPTROMIC,HEP-CAR,NIH-NIDDK R01-award, I+D grants and competitive private grants. His achievements are:1.Establish a clinical and molecular classification for HCC. 2.Establish efficacy of chemoembolization and sorafenib for HCC.3.Identification of novel drivers and activated pathways in HCC and ICC.

Research interests

Prof Josep M. Llovet has been working in clinical and translational research in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) for the last 22 years .He is leading international randomized trials in HCC on novel targeted therapies and developing a molecular classification of the disease,understanding the genetic aberrations and signaling pathways involved and in the identification of new molecular targeted therapies. He has organized the HCC Genomic Consortium and the HEPTROMIC Consortium (funded by an FP-7 Grant) that includes several international HCC research centers: IDIBAPS-Hospital Clínic, Ichan Scool of Medicine at Mount Sinai, INSERM, Univ. Tuebingen, Dana-Farber-MIT-Broad Institute and NCI.The main future areas of interest are a) identify biomarkers predicting response to sorafenib and checkpoint inhibitors (nivolumab) or mechanisms of resistance b) translate oncogenic drivers discoveries as targeted therapies in HCC and ICC.

Selected publications

- Sia D, Jiao Y, Martinez-Quetglas I et al. 2017, 'Identification of an Immune-specific Class ...' Gastroenterology,153:812-826.

- Sia D, Villanueva A, Friedman SL et al. 2017, 'Liver Cancer Cell of Origin, Molecular ...'. Gastroenterology 152:745-761

- Bruix J, Qin S, Merle P etl al. 2017, RESORCE Investigators. 'Regorafenib for patients ...', Lancet. 389:56-66.

- Moeini A, Sia D, Zhang Z et al. 2017, 'Mixed hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma tumors: cholangiolocellular...', J Hepatol. 66:952-961

- Lencioni R, Montal R, Torres F et al. 2017, 'Objective response by mRECIST as a predictor...' Journal of Hepatology. 66:1166-1172  

- Torrecilla, S, Sia, D, Harrington, A et al. 2017, 'Trunk mutational events present minimal intra- and inter-tumoral...' Journal Of Hepatology 67,1222-1231.

- Sia D & Llovet JM 2017, 'LIVER CANCER Translating '-omics' results into...', Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology,14,10.

- Bruix, J, Cheng, AL, Meinhardt G et al. 2017 'Prognostic factors and predictors of sorafenib ...', Journal Of Hepatology. 67,999-1008.

- Tovar V, Cornella H, Moeini A, et al. 2017 'Tumor initiating cells and IGF/FGF signaling contribute to sorafenib resistance in Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Gut. 3,530-539.

- Bollard, J, Miguela V, Galarreta M et al. 2017, 'Palbociclib (PD-0332991), a selective CDK4/6 inhibitor ...', Gut. 66,1286-1296.

Selected research activities

  • Senior Editor. Clinical Cancer Research /
  • Director. Master in Translational Medicine. Universitat de Barcelona /
  • Executive Committee. IDIBAPS / Director. Liver Cancer Program. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai /
  • Fellow Award - American Association for the Study of the Liver Diseases (AALSD) /
  • Tisch Cancer Institute Award - NCI designated Cancer Center Recognition ISMMS /
  • Vice-President, AASLD-SIG Liver Tumors.