Dan López de Sa

Universitat de Barcelona


I am ICREA Research Professor at the Departament de Filosofia of the Universitat de Barcelona. I did my PhD in Barcelona (visiting ANU for a short while). I was Arché Postdoc in St Andrews (2004-06), Fullbright-GenCat Postdoc at NYU (2006-07), ICREA Researcher (2007-12) and then RyC (2012-13). I have published papers in Analysis, Erkenntnis, Mind, Noûs, Philosophers' Imprint, Philosophical Studies, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, and Synthèse, among others.

Research interests

I work on matters issuing from words -vagueness, contextualism/relativism, rigidity- and issues where words don’t really matter (much) -truthmaking, grounding, time, disagreement, values-. In between, I have an increasing interest in topics around gender, race, and sexuality.

Selected publications

López de Sa D 2017, ‘Making Beatiful Truths’ in Young J (ed.),The Semantics of Aesthetic Judgements, Oxford University Press, UK.

Selected research activities

  • Principal investigator of Spanish Government Research Project “DM — Derivative Metaphysics: The Existence and Significance of the non-Fundamental” (FFI2015-66372-P, 2016-18)

  • ​Associate Editor of Teorema for “Metaphysics” (www.unioviedo.es/teorema)

  • Member of the “network of excelence” (Consolider) “Facts and Thoughts in Perspective: New Isues” (FFI2016-81858-REDC, 2017-18) and the interuniversity BIAP–Barcelona Institute of Analytic Philosophy (UB, UPF, UdG)

  • Member of the Societat Catalana de Filosofia (IEC), the Sociedad Española de Filosofia Analítica, the European Society of analytic Philosophy and the American Philosophical Association.

  • In 2017, I convened the weekly SM-Seminar In Metaphysics and co-convened the weekly LOGOS Seminar & Colloquium, at the Universitat de Barcelona.

  • Co-organizer of two international workshops: “DM1 — Metaphysics in the Law” and “DM2 — Social Metaphysics.

  • Invited  talks: “Significant Verbal Disputes and so-called ‘Metalinguistic Negotiations’” (Lisboa, GRSeminar), “Constructing Social Constructions” (GRSeminar)

  • My student Aurélien Darbellay defended his PhD dissertation on “Writing social reality into the book of the world”. I supervised or co-supervised three other PhD students and one MA thesis.