Mervi Mantsinen

Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación

Engineering Sciences

I graduated in Technical Physics at Helsinki University of Technology (HUT), now Aalto University, Finland in 1992. I carried out my research in the Plasma Physics and Fusion Group of HUT until 1995 when I moved to the JET Joint European Torus, the largest tokamak in the world, located in the UK. At JET, I worked as Ion Cyclotron Resonance Frequency (ICRF) Physics Expert, Scientific Coordinator, Responsible Officer for several large modelling codes and Physicist in Charge as well as trained as Session Leader of JET experiments. My thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science in Technology at HUT in 1999 was based on my research at JET. In 2003 I became Deputy Leader of Task Force Heating and Current Drive at JET, with approx. 80 members at several research institutions across Europe. In 2006 I joined the ICRF group of the Asdex Upgrade tokamak, Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics, Germany and in October 2013 I was appointed ICREA Research Professor at BSC.

Research interests

My research is directed towards contributing to the development of nuclear fusion as a source of energy and, in particular, to the ITER project. ITER is an international nuclear fusion R&D project, which is building the world's largest experimental tokamak nuclear fusion reactor in France. ITER aims to demonstrate that fusion energy is scientifically and technologically feasible. My research is focused in the numerical modelling of experiments in magnetically confined fusion devices in preparation for ITER operation, working towards the objectives of the European fusion research programme EUROfusion for Horizon 2020 in close collaboration with ITER, International Tokamak Physics Activity, EUROfusion and the Spanish national fusion laboratory CIEMAT. My overall objective is to enhance the modelling capabilities by code validation and optimization, with the ultimate goal of helping improve the performance of ITER and future fusion reactors.

Selected publications

- Kazakov Ye O et al. 2017, 'Efficient generation of energetic ions in multi-ion plasmas by radio-frequency heating', Nature Physics, vol. 13, p. 973.

- Mantsinen M et al. 2017, 'The Role of Combined ICRF and NBI Heating in JET Hybrid Plasmas in Quest for High D-T Fusion Yield', EPJ Web of Conferences, vol. 157, p. 03032.  

- Gallart D et al. 2017, 'Modelling of combined ICRF and NBI heating in JET hybrid plasmas', EPJ Web of Conferences, vol. 157, 03015.

- Kiptily VG et al.  2018 'Fusion product losses due to fishbone instabilities in deuterium JET plasmas', Nucl. Fusion 58 014003

- Sharapov SE et al. 2018 'The effects of electron cyclotron heating and current drive on toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes in tokamak plasmas', Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, vol. 60, p. 014026.

- Silburn S et al. 2017, 'Mitigation of Divertor Heat Loads by Strike Point Sweeping in High Power JET Discharges', Physica Scripta, no T170, p. 014040

Selected research activities

Fusion Group Leader at BSC (; 10 members and 1.25M€ funding to BSC since 2014).

Scientific Coordinator (SC) of EUROfusion flagship experiment ‘Hybrid Scenario for DT’ at the JET tokamak, UK (June 2015-July 2017).

SC of Task ‘Fast ion modelling (stability & transport)’ of EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamak Work Package.

6 weeks of research stays at JET (UK) and AUG (Germany). 

Speaker at 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics & ITER ICRF Workshop.

Supervisor of 2 PhD and 2 MSc students at UAB & UPC.

Established MoU on Academic and Scientific Cooperation between BSC & ITER (2017-2021).

Chair of Magnetic Confinement Fusion Plasma Panel of the Program Committee for 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics (2018).

Member of EUROfusion HPC Allocation Committee for Marconi-Fusion, Italy.

Member of Evaluation Panel NT-3 of Swedish Research Council, Expert of Spanish National Agency of Evaluation, Reviewer for Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.

Leader of RIS3CAT Emerging Sector Fusion Proposal with 6 R&D centers and budget of 4 M€.