After graduating in Biology, I've got my PhD (01/1993, Universitat de València) working on how plants regulate their growth in response to environmental light conditions. Next, I did three postdocs: in Cathie Martin’s group (John Innes Center, Norwich, UK) working on plant transcription factors (03/1993-10/1995); in Peter Quail’s team (Plant Gene Expression Center, UC-Berkeley, USA) to work on phytochrome signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana (01/1996-01/2000); and Salomé Prat laboratory (Instituto de Biología Molecular de Barcelona, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain), working on photoperiod-regulated potato tuberization (01/2000-10/2001). In November 2001, I’ve got a permanent position as an ICREA Research Professor and established my own research group. Currently, I develop my research in the CRAG (Barcelona), studying how plants see and respond to vegetation proximity.