Maurizio Mencuccini

Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals

Experimental Sciences & Mathematics

BSc degree in Forest Science at University of Firenze (Italy, 1992). Research Associate at Istituto Sperimentale per la Selvicoltura (Italy, 1992). PhD in plant environmental biology at the University of Firenze (Italy, 1993-1995). Postdoc at Boyce Thompson at Cornell University (USA, 1995-1997). Lecturer, senior lecturer, reader, then Professor of Forest Science at Edinburgh University (UK, 1997-2016).

Research interests

I work at the frontier between biological and environmental sciences, interfacing with global change. My major contributions to current debates have been in the study of forest dynamics, particularly carbon and water cycles. I worked in Boreal, temperate, tropical and Mediterranean forests in Europe, N and S America, Australia and Africa. I authored >170 peer-reviewed papers. I am very involved in international debates concerning how longer and more intense droughts, as a consequence of climate change, can accelerate tree mortality. I also work closely with the forestry sector on a range of themes including growth and carbon sequestration by forests using modelling, data assimilation and remote sensing. I supervised >40 scientists, of whom >20 are still active in science (in senior academic positions or universities). I advised the Kenyan government on ecosystem payment schemes. I spoke at several high-profile conferences.

Selected publications

- Mencuccini M, Salmon Y, Mitchell P, Holtta T, Choat B, Meir P, O'Grady A, Tissue D, Zweifel R, Sevanto S & Pfautsch S 2017, 'An empirical method that separates irreversible stem radial growth from bark water content changes in trees: theory and case studies', Plant, Cell & Environment, 40, 2, 290 - 303.

- Semerci A, Ekmekci Y, Çicek N, Semerci H, Çaliskan B & Mencuccini M 2017, 'Morphological and physiological responses to drought stress of European provenances of Scots pine.', European Journal of Forest Research, 136, 1, 91 - 104. 

- Nair R, Perks MP & Mencuccini M 2017, 'Decomposition nitrogen is better retained than deposition nitrogen in a temperate forest', Global Change Biology, 23(4):1711-1724.

- Nguyen HT, Meir P, Wolfe J, Mencuccini M & Ball MC 2017, 'Plumbing the depths: extracellular water storage in specialized leaf structures and its functional expression in a three-domain pressure-volume relationship', Plant, Cell & Environment, 40, 7, 1021 - 1038.

- Smallman TL, Exbrayat J-F, Mencuccini M, Bloom AA &  Williams M 2017, 'Assimilation of repeated woody biomass observations constrains decadal ecosystem carbon cycle uncertainty in aggrading forests', Journal Of Geophysical Research-biogeosciences, 122, 3, 528 - 545.

- Sperry JS, Venturas MD, Anderegg WRL, Mencuccini M, Mackay DS, Wang Y & Love DM 2017, 'Predicting stomatal responses to the environment from the optimization of photosynthetic gain and hydraulic cost', Plant, Cell & Environment, 40: 816-830.

- Adams H & the Drought-Mortality Synthesis Group 2017, 'A multi-species synthesis of physiological mechanisms in drought-induced tree mortality', Nature Ecology and Evolution, 1: 1285-1291. 

Selected research activities

- Continued involvement in six funded grants (NERC, NSF, ARC, Ministerio).

- Led proposal writing for three grant proposals (two Ministerio, one ERC).

- Examiner of one PhD thesis (Barcelona).

- Seven papers published or accepted in 2017.

- Fieldwork in the Amazon, Brazil.