Pablo Menéndez

Institut de Recerca contra la Leucèmia Josep Carreras

Life & Medical Sciences

Born in Avilés, Asturias, in 1974. Biochemist by University of Salamanca (1997) and PhD in Medicine (Hematology) by the same University in 2002, under the supervision of Prof. Alberto Orfao and Prof. Jesus San Miguel. Postdoctoral training in stem cell biology (Mick Bhatia Laboratory, London, ON, Canada; 2002-2005) and in childhood leukemia (Mel Greaves Laboratory, London, UK; 2005-2007). In 2007, I was appointed Director of the Andalusian Stem Cell Bank, and was leading my own lab at CIBM (Granada, Spain) until July 2011 when I moved to GENyO (Granada, Spain) as Principal Invesigator. In June 2013 I was appointed ICREA Research Professor and Research Director of The Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute-Campus Clínic, Barcelona, Spain.

Research interests

1.-Modeling MLL-rearranged and MLL-germline Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in children. We use DNA and RNA whoe genome sequencing/pyrosequencing, gene editing approaches in primary stem cells and patient-derived xenografts.

2.-Leukemic cell-niche environment interactions and targeted therapies in Acute Myeloid Leukemia. A role for BM-stroma in therapy resistance

3.-Deciphering the intrinsic determinants and signaling pathways underlying hematopoietic from human pluripotent stem cells.

4.- Adoptive T-cell-based CAR immunotherapy for B-cell, T-cell ALL and AML.

Selected publications

– Romero-Moya D,……P Menendez*Stem Cell Res 2017
– A Gentilella … P Menéndez, SC Kozma and G Thomas. A. Mol Cell 2017;67:1-.9
– Diaz de la Guardia R….. Menendez P.Br J Haematol 2017 IN PRESS
– D. Romero-Moya, Pablo Menendez* 2017. STEM CELLS 35(7):1687-1703.
– J Domingo,…. P. Menendez…, V. Ramos-Mejía. Stem Cell Res 2017;25:286-290.
– R. Torres-Ruiz, P Menendez, J.C. Cigudosa, S. Rodriguez-Perales. Stem Cell Rep 2017;8:1408-20
– C Prieto, …. P Menéndez*. Leukemia 2017 (in press).
– J. Castaño, P. Menendez* 2017,  Stem Cell Res, 21, 137 – 140.
– R. Torres, …. P. Menendez.  Haematologica 2017;102:1467-68
– R Díaz de la Guardia, P Menéndez*Stem Cell Rep 2017;8:1-14
– Martin M, …Menéndez P,…, Marin MC. Cell Death Dis 2017;8:e3034
– M Sierra,…..P. Menendez,….. MF Fraga. NANOTOXICOLOGY 2017;11:857-870
– S. Body,….P. Menendez, …, G Roue, B Sola.  Sci Reports 2017; 7:13946.
– Navarro-Montero, Menendez, Pablo*; Real, Pedro *. 2017, Stem Cells, 35,1,2253 – 2266.
– O. Pelkonen, P. Menendez, S. Hougaard, on behalf of the EFSA WG EPI. Arch Toxicology 2017; 91:2763–2780
– Romero-Moya, D Stem Cell Research, 24,144 -147.
– Macia, Angela… Menendez, Pablo; … Garcia-Perez, Jose L. 2017, Genome Research, 27, 3, 335 – 348.
– Giorgetti, A; Menendez, P.. Experimental Hematology, 2017;45:85-93.
– Matas-Cespedes, Alba; ….Menendez, Pablo; …; Perez-Galan, Patricia 2017,  Clinical Cancer Research, 23, 6, 1493 – 1505.
– Lopez-Millan, Belen; …Menendez, Pablo 2017. Experimental Molecular Medicine, 49, e290.
– P. MenendezStem Cell Investig 2017;4:55-60.

Selected research activities

Inventor: Pablo Menéndez
Title: NG2 antigen as a therapeutic target in MLL-rearranged acute leukemia
Reference: EPI17382551.4 · Country: España · Date: SJuly 30th 2017
Property/Company/University: IJC

Member of the Manageent Committee of the e-COST action ‘LEukaemia GENe Discovery by data sharing, mining’, 2017-2021.