Aitor Mugarza

Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia

Engineering Sciences

Aitor Mugarza graduated and obtained his PhD in Physics both at the University of Basque Country. After his doctoral studies, he was awarded a Marie Curie fellowship to work as a postdoctoral scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA, and at the Materials Science Institute of Barcelona (ICMAB). He later joined the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology-ICN2 (formerly ICN) starting as a Ramon y Cajal Fellow in 2007, and as Tenure Track Group Leader of the Atomic Manipulation and Spectroscopy Group at ICN2 since 2013. He is author of 58 articles, and of more than 40 invited talks at international conferences, universities and schools. His research activity is based on the investigation of quantum properties of matter on the nanoscale, and developing strategies to manipulate them with atomic precision.

Research interests

The research interests of Aitor Mugarza focus on the atomic-scale engineering of the quantum properties of novel nanomaterials. At the nanoscale, the properties of materials are dominated by quantum effects and interfacial phenomena, which impose strong limitations on the control and reproducibility of device performances, but also open up avenues for engineering new physical properties. The aim of Aitor Mugarza and his group is to understand and control quantum phenomena with atomic precision by chemical and structural manipulation, nanostructuring and interfacing materials that are identified as strategic in the roadmap for new technologies (hybrid metal-organic heterostructures, graphene-based 2D materials, topological insulators...).

Selected publications

- Parreiras SO, Gastaldo M, Moreno C, Martins M D, Garcia-Lekue A, Ceballos G, Paniago R & Mugarza A 2017,'Symmetry forbidden morphologies and domain boundaries in nanoscale graphene islands', 2D Mater., 4,  025104. 

- Bonell F, Cuxart MG, Song K, Robles R, Ordejon P, Roche SMugarza AValenzuela SO 2017, 'Growth of Twin-Free and Low-Doped Topological Insulators on BaF2(111)', Crystal Growth & Design, 17, 9, 4655 - 4660.

- Lerch A, Fernández L, Ilyn M, Gastaldo M, Paradinas M, Valbuena M A, Mugarza A, Ibrahim ABM, Sundermeyer J, Hoefer U & Schiller F 2017, 'Electronic Structure of Titanylphthalocyanine Layers on Ag(111)', J. Phys. Chem. C, 121, 25353–25363.

Selected research activities

Organization of conferences:

- Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the first "Spain-Taiwan International Workshop on 2D Materials and Interfaces for

Spintronics", October 23-25, 2017, Barcelona (Spain).

Invited talks:

- "Manipulating charge and spin of single molecules by chemical doping", International Conference on Operating Quantum States in Atoms and Molecules at Surfaces, September 10-14, 2017, Ascona (Switzerland)

- "Spin-dependent electron scattering in 2D electron systems", Nanospain, March 7-10, 2017, Donostia (Spain).

- "Charge and spin manipulation at hybrid organic/metal and organic/topological insulator interfaces", Technical University of Dortmund, November 16, 2017, Dortmund (Germany).

- "Electron confinement on surfaces studied by scanning tunneling spectroscopy", Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón, May 26, 2017, Zaragoza (Spain).