Serena Olsaretti

Universitat Pompeu Fabra


I studied at the University of Oxford where I obtained a BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, an MPhil and a PhD in Political Philosophy. I then moved to Cambridge where I was a Research Fellow at Emmanuel College before joining the Faculty of Philosophy and St. John's College. ICREA Research Professor at UPF since October 2010.

Research interests

My work is in moral and political philosophy. I have worked on the ethics of markets, egalitarianism, and theories of well-being. Since September 2015, I am the PI of an ERC Consolidator project on "Justice and the Family. An Analysis of the Normative Significance of Procreation and Parenthood in a Just Society". The project examines what liberal egalitarian theorists of justice should think about how the costs and benefits of children should be distributed, both among contemporaries and across generations. I hold we need to address these relatively neglected questions to develop a complete and defensible theory of justice.

Selected publications

- Olsaretti S 2017, 'Children as negative externalities?', Politics Philosophy & Economics, 16, 2, 152 - 173.

- Olsaretti S 2017, 'Liberal Equality and the Moral Status of Parent-Child Relationships', in Sobel D, Vallentyne P, Wall S (eds.), Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, Volume 3, Oxford University Press.

- Olsaretti S 2017, 'Voluntariness, Coercion, Self-Ownership', in Schmidtz D & Pavel C (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Freedom, Oxford University Press.

Selected research activities

- Invited speaker at the European Congress for Analytic Philosophy, LMU University Munich; at the Institute of Futures Studies, Stockholm; at the New Scholarship on Population Ethics Conference, Duke University. 

- Visiting Researcher, Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm

- PI of ERC Consolidator Grant on Justice and the Family: An Analysis of the Normative Significance of Procreation and Parenthood in a Just Society