Antoni Rosell-Melé

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Experimental Sciences & Mathematics

I trained as an analytical chemist at the Chemical Institute of Sarrià (IQS), in Barcelona, and subsequently as an environmental chemist at CSIC under the supervision of J. Grimalt and J. Albaigés. I moved to England in 1990 to earn a PhD in the School of Chemistry at the University of Bristol (completed in 1994), in the group of G. Eglinton, on the application of biomarkers to decipher natural causes of climate change. This has become the central topic of my research career. In 1994 I joined the group of J. Maxwell as a post-doctoral researcher also in the School of Chemistry of Bristol to develop the use of fossil chlorophylls as climatic proxies. In 1996 I was awarded a NERC fellowship at the Department of Fossil Fuels and Environmental Geochemistry at the University of Newcastle, England. In 1999 I became a lecturer in the department of Geography at Durham University, England. In 2001, I joined the UAB and ICTA as an ICREA Research Professor.

Research interests

The main focus of my work is the study of the natural variability of the Earth's climate. My research tools are organic geochemical techniques, which allow the quantitative reconstruction of past climates. My work develops in three main areas i) the development of novel biomarker methods of climate reconstruction; ii) their application to reconstruct the dynamics and role of the ocean on climate over the last 5 million years; and iii) the use of such information to validate and constrain the sensitivity of climate models. I am also involved in the study of the impacts of anthropogenic activities in natural environments. I apply an environmental forensics approach to study the origin and fate of organic pollutants in remote environments, like the deep sea or the Amazonian rainforests. A third area of research is the study of organic matter in an archaeological context, mainly to reconstruct palaeodiets of ancient cultures and the use or function of archaeological artifacts.

Selected publications

- Huguet C, Fietz S, Rosell-Melé A, Daura X & Costenaro L 2017, 'Molecular dynamics simulation study of the effect of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether hydroxylation on membrane thermostability'BBA - Biomembranes, 1859, 966-974.

- Compte-Port S, Subirats J, Fillol M, Sànchez-Melsió A, Marcé R, Rivas-Ruiz P, Rosell-Melé A & Borrego CM 2017, 'Abundance and co-distribution of widespread marine archaeal lineages in surface sediments of freshwater water bodies across the Iberian Peninsula', Microbial Ecology, 74, 776-787.

- Yusta-García R, Orta-Martínez M, Mayor P, González-Crespo C &Rosell-Melé A 2017, 'Water contamination from oil extraction activities in Northern Peruvian Amazonian rivers', Environmental Pollution, 25, 370-380.

- Ache M, Delgado-Raack S, Molina E, Risch R & Rosell-Melé A 2017, 'Evidence of bee products processing: a functional definition of a specialized type of macro-lithic tool', Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 14, 638-650.

- Navarrete V, Colonese AC, Tornero C, Antolín F, Von Tersch M, Subirà ME, Comes P, Rosell-Melé A & Saña M 2017, 'Feeding management strategies among the early Neolithic pigs in the NE of the Iberian Peninsula', International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 27, 839-852.

Selected research activities

Director of the Mass Spectrometry Stable Isotope and Environmental Forensics services at the UAB

Garante and member of the Steering Committee of the Maria de Maeztu award-project at ICTA

Paleoclimate Theme coordinator at the Goldschmidt 2017 conference

PAGES Steering group member of the Pliocene climate variability over glacial-interglacial timescales (PlioVAR) working group

Oral communications at American Geophysical Union conference in New Orleans, Goldschmidt Conference in Paris, XIV Jornada d'Avenços en Ecologia-Societat Catalana de Biologia, Iberian Zooarchaeology Meeting

PhD Evaluator at Curtin Univ. and the Univ. of Girona

PhD supervisor of P. Rivas at the UAB: "Validation and application of pyrogenic and vegetation biomarkers as proxies"