Andreas Winter

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Experimental Sciences & Mathematics

Andreas Winter was born in Altötting, a small rural town near Munich, known also as the Heart of Bavaria. After developing an infatuation with science early on, and in particular with mathematics, he decided to study this subject in Konstanz and Berlin. He graduated in 1997 from the Freie Universität Berlin, and went on to obtain a doctorate in mathematics from the Universität Bielefeld in 1999, with the late Rudolf Ahlswede. In 2001 he joined the quantum information group in Bristol as a postdoc, became Lecturer in Applied Mathematics there in 2003, and Professor of the Physics of Information in 2006. In 2012 he left Bristol after 11 years, to move to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona as ICREA Research Professor, where he is now part of the quantum information group.

Research interests

I work on quantum information, especially quantum Shannon theory, which aims at incorporating information-theoretic ideas into physics. The Shannon theoretic approach has succeeded in quantifying entanglement as a resource in information processing task, and likewise for other properties of quantum systems such as channel and storage capacities of quantum systems. One of my favourite topics is the interplay between classical and quantum information, evident in the intricate structure of local operations in composite quantum systems (LOCC), such as data hiding or "information locking". I also work on additivity and non-additivity of quantum channel capacities, quantum data compression, and zero-error quantum communication. Further quantum information interests include statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, resource theories, entropy characterization and entanglement measures. But at heart I am a mathematician and will still get fascinated by classic problems: existence of Hadamard matrices, incompleteness, etc.

Selected publications

- Bera MN, Riera A, Lewenstein MWinter A 2017, 'Generalized laws of thermodynamics in the presence of correlations', Nat Commun., vol. 8, 2180.

- Tomamichel M, Wilde MM & Winter A 2017, 'Strong Converse Rates for Quantum Communication', IEEE Trans Inf Theory, vol. 63, no. 1, pp 715-727.

- Nakata Y, Hirche Ch, Koashi M & Winter A 2017, 'Efficient Quantum Pseudorandomness with Nearly Time-Independent Hamiltonian Dynamics', Phys. Rev. X, vol. 7, 021006.

- Sutter D, Scholz VB, Winter A & Renner R 2017, 'Approximate Degradable Quantum Channels', IEEE Trans Inf Theory, vol. 63, no. 12, pp 7832-7844.

- Biswas T, García Díaz M & Winter A 2017, 'Interferometric visibility and coherence', Proc. Royal Society London A, vol. 473, no. 2203, 20170170.

- Ben Dana Kh, García Díaz M, Mejatty M & Winter A 2017, 'Resource theory of coherence: Beyond states', Phys. Rev. A, vol. 95, 062327.

- Winter A 2017, 'Weak locking capacity of quantum channels can be much larger than private capacity', J Cryptol, vol. 30, no. 1, pp 1-21.

- Garcia-Pintos LP, Linden N, Malabarba ASL, Short AJ & Winter A 2017, 'Equilibration Time Scales of Physically Relevant Observables', Phys. Rev. X, vol. 7, 031027.

- Acín A, Duan R, Roberson DE, Sainz AB, & Winter A 2017, 'A new property of the Lovász number and duality relations between graph parameters', Discr Appl Math, vol. 216(3), pp 489-501.

- Auletta V, Ferraioli D, Rai A, Scarpa G & Winter A 2017, 'Belief-invariant and Quantum Equilibria in Games of Incomplete Information', in: Proc. 18th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (ICTCS), vol. 1949, pp 198-202.  

Selected research activities

The joint work 'The Quantum Reverse Shannon Theorem and Resource Tradeoffs for Simulating Quantum Channels' (with CH Bennett, I Devetak, AW Harrow & PW Shor) has won the 2017 Information Theory Society Paper Award. This award is given annually for an outstanding publication in the fields of interest to the IT Society from the preceding four calendar years.