Inés Domingo

Universitat de Barcelona


Inés is ICREA Research professor in the Section of Prehistory and Archaeology (Universitat de Barcelona) since 2010, and Vice-president of the World Archaeological Congress (2017-2020). Through her current and previous positions at the Universities of Valencia (Spain) and Flinders (Australia) she explores the ‘Archaeologies’ of rock art from a multidisciplinary approach. Her performance in archaeology has earned her a number of academic awards and distinctions: Honorary Associate Researcher at the Dep. of Archaeology, Flinders University (Australia) since 2009; Blaze O’Connor memorial award (WAC, Jordan, 2013); Honorary appointment as guest professor at HeTao University (Inner Mongolia, China) (2010); Honorary Research Fellow of Inner Mongolia Rock Art Protection and Research Association, and Inner Mongolia Rock Art Research Academy (2010) and a PhD University Award (Premio extraordinario de doctorado) (2006).

Research interests

My current research projects aim at brigding the gap between scientific and heritage approaches to one of Europe’s most extraordinary bodies of rock art, awarded UNESCO Wolrd Heritage Status in 1998: Levantine rock art. This research has been recently awarded an ERC CoG (2018). Her primary aim is to achieve an holistic view of this art by combining a multidisciplinary (Archaeology, Heritage Science, IT and Ethnoarchaeology) and a multiscale approach (from microanalysis to landscape perspectives) to: a. Redefine LRA through new dating techniques and analythical methods to understand the creative process. b. Use this rock art tradition as a proxy to raise new questions of global interest on the evolution of creative thinking and human cognition. c. Define best practices and protocols for open air rock art conservation and management.

Selected publications

– May SK, Marshall M, Domingo I & Smith C 2018 ‘Reflections on the Pedagogy of Archaeological Field Schools within Indigenous Community Archaeology Programmes in Australia’, Public Archaeology,  16 (2017) (3-4), 172-190.

Domingo I, May SK & Smith C 2018, ‘Etnoarqueología y arte rupestre en el siglo XXI: de la analogía directa a la redefinición del método arqueológico’. In Garate D. (Coord.), Redescubriendo el arte parietal paleolítico. Últimas novedades sobre los métodos y las técnicas de investigación. Kobie (anejos), 16 (2017), pp. 163-180.

– Jalandoni A, Domingo I & Taçon P 2018 ‘Testing the value of low-cost Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry for metric and visual analysis of rock art‘. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 17, 605-616.

– May SK, Johnston IG, Tacon PSC, Domingo I & Goldhahn J 2018, ‘Early Australian Anthropomorphs: Jabiluka’s Dynamic Figure Rock Paintings‘, Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 28, 1, 67 – 83.

Selected research activities

Session organizer at 24th meeting EAA, Barcelona:

with Marshall, M. and Rodríguez, I.: Conservation issues and preventive measures in open air rock art sites.

– with Wesley, D. et al.: Rock art and Archaeological Science.

Session organizer at 20th IFRAO conference, Italy:

– with Smith, C. and May, S.: Rock art and Ethnoarchaeology.

Invited talks:

– Challenging archaeological approaches to Palaeolithic rock art from ethnoarchaeology. mages, gestures, voices, lives. What can we learn from Palaeolithic art?. Tübingen, Germany.

– A conservación preventiva na arte rupestre Levantina. VIII Encontro de Conservación e Restauración. Museo de Pontevedra.

– Redefinint l’art Llevantí des de la interdisciplinarietat. Workshop art rupestre i Neolitització. Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya.

– Nuevas ventanas al pasado. Los últimos descubrimientos de Arte Rupestre en Castellón (I. Domingo y D. Román). Programa d’activitats del Museu de Belles Arts (Castelló).