- Verkh Y, Rozman M & Petrovic M 2018, A non-targeted high-resolution mass spectrometry data analysis of dissolved organic matter in wastewater treatment', Chemosphere, 200, 397-404.
- Mandaric L, Mor JR, Sabater S & Petrovic M 2018, 'Impact of urban chemical pollution on water quality in small, rural and effluent-dominated Mediterranean streams and rivers', Science of the Total Environment, 613, 763 - 772.
- Rozman M, Acuna V & Petrovic M 2018, 'Effects of chronic pollution and water flow intermittency on stream biofilms biodegradation capacity', Environmental Pollution, 233, 1131 - 1137.
- Gusmaroli L, Insa S & Petrovic M 2018, 'Development of an online SPE-UHPLC-MS/MS method for the multiresidue analysis of the 17 compounds from the EU "Watch list"', Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry, 410, 4165 - 4176.
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- Valcarcel Y, Valdehita A, Becerra E, Lopez de Alda M, Gil A, Gorga M, Petrovic M, Barcelo D & Navas JM 2018, 'Determining the presence of chemicals with suspected endocrine activity in drinking water from the Madrid region (Spain) and assessment of their estrogenic, androgenic and thyroidal activities', Chemosphere, 201, 388 - 398.
- Verkh Y, Rozman M & Petrovic M 2018, 'Extraction and cleansing of data for a non-targeted analysis of high-resolution mass spectrometry data of wastewater', MethodsX, 5, 395-402.
- Čizmić M, Ljubas D, Škorić I, Rožman M, Ašperger D, Ćurković L, Petrović M & Babić S 2018, 'Photolytic and photocatalytic degradation of febantel in aqueous media', Desalination and Water Treatment, 104, 294-303.