Angel Lozano received his Ph.D. from Stanford University (USA) in 1998 and was with Bell Labs (USA) between 1999 and 2008. From 2005 to 2008 he was also an Adj. Associate Professor at Columbia University (USA). Prof. Lozano is a Fellow of the IEEE. He holds 15 patents and his papers have received various awards including the Stephen O. Rice prize in 2008, the Fred W. Ellersick prize in 2016, and the IEEE Communications Society & Information Theory Society joint paper award also in 2016. He is the recepient of an ERC Advanced Grant for the period 2017-2021 and a 2017 Highly Cited author. He has held visiting appointments at the University of Texas at Austin (USA), Imperial College (UK), the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel), the University of Minnesota (USA), Southeast University (China) the University of Edinburgh (UK), the University of Toronto (Canada), and New York University (USA).

Angel Lozano
ICREA Academia 2010 & 2015
Universitat Pompeu Fabra · Engineering Sciences

Research interests
Prof. Lozano’s research activity is broadly centered on the field of wireless communications, spanning disciplines such as information theory, digital data transmission, signal processing, stochastic geometry and estimation. The main objective of his work is to improve the performance of wireless networks so as to increase the quantity of information that can be communicated reliably while consuming the least amount of resources (chiefly bandwidth and power) and with the least amount of complexity, which is a proxy for cost. Currently, he is looking into designs for wireless networks beyond the 5th generation.
Wireless Communications, Wireless Networks, Information Theory, Digital Communication