Jens Biegert is ICREA Professor at ICFO and heads the Attoscience and Ultrafast Optics group. He received his PhD in 2001 with distinction from the Technical University Munich for which he was awarded the Allen Prize of the Optical Society (OSA) after which he went for his Habilitation at ETH Zurich from 2001 until 2006. Since 2007 his is tenured Professor at ICFO, he is actively involved in the scientific community as author of the whitebook leading to the European Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI), is elected member of the management board of Laserlab-Europe and LLE-AISBL, chair elect of the Board of Meetings at OSA, panel member of the European Research Council and the Volkswagen Foundation, and traveling lecturer of OSA. He holds an appointment as adjunct professor at the University of New Mexico in the USA, is associate editor of APL Photonics, a fellow of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation and the Optical Society of America, and ERC Advanced Grant holder.