Before joining UPF, Prof. Rossi was Associate Professor (with tenure) at Duke University. She held visiting positions at the Philadelphia Fed, Berkeley, ENSAE-CREST, U. of Montreal, Atlanta Fed, ECB, Norges Bank, UCSD, U. of Sydney and Concordia U. Prof. Rossi is the Editor of the Journal of Applied Econometrics and a coeditor of the International Journal of Central Banking, and served as associate editor of the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Quantitative Economics and JEDC. She is a CEPR Fellow and member of the CEPR Business Cycle Dating Committee, a member of the Council of the EEA and the European Standing Committee of the Econometric Society, the Vice Chair of the Scientific Committee of the EABCN and a director of the International Association for Applied Econometrics. She is also a research associate at CREI and a Barcelona GSE Research Professor. Her past or present grants include NSF, ERC, MICINN, BBVA and Marie Curie CIG.