- Bilyard MK, Bailey H, Raich L, Gafitescu M, Machida T, Iglesias-Fernández J, Lee SS, Spicer CD, Rovira C, Yue WW & Davis BG 2018, 'Palladium-mediated enzyme activation suggests multiphase initiation of glycogenesis'. Nature, 563, 235-240.
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- Chevrier DM, Raich L, Rovira C, Das A, Luo Z, Yao Q, Chatt A, Xie J, Jin R, Akola J & Zhang P 2018, 'Molecular-scale ligand effects in small gold-thiolate nanoclusters'. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140, 15430–15436.
- de las Rivas, M, Daniel EJP, Coelho H, Lira-Navarrete E, Raich L, Compañón I, Diniz A, Lagartera L, Jiménez-Barbero J, Clausen H, Rovira C, Marcelo F, Corzana F, Gerken TA, Hurtado-Guerrero R 2018, 'Structural and mechanistic insights into the catalytic domain-mediated short-range glycosylation preferences of GalNAc-T4', ACS Central Science, 4, 1274–1290.
- Wang, B, Fita I & Rovira C 2018, 'Theory Uncovers the Role of the Methionine-Tyrosine-Tryptophan Radical Adduct in the Catalase Reaction of KatGs: Oxygen Release Mediated by Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer', Chemistry-a European Journal, 24, 20, 5388 - 5395 (Hot Paper by Ed).
- Coines J, Alfonso-Prieto M, Biarnés X, Planas A & Rovira C 2018, 'Oxazoline or oxazolinium ion? 2018, The protonation state and conformation of the reaction intermediate of chitinase enzymes revisited' Chemistry – A European Journal, 24, 19258-19265.