Dr. Marquès-Bonet is the Principal Investigator of the group "Comparative Genomics" and director of the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE; UPF/CSIC) and at the CRG-CNAG. He started his own lab in 2010 with an ERC Starting Grant and was selected as ICREA in 2011. In 2013 he was selected for the EMBO young Investigator award. Starting on 2017 he is an HHMI International young investigator. He has been part of many genome consortia, leading the section of duplications and structural variation in most of them. His group aims to characterize human specific genomics features, including the evolution of epigenetics in humans or the impact of CNVs in phenotypic traits. With a total of more than 120 peer-reviewed publications, he has published as a senior authorship in Science (2016), Nature (2013;2019), Genome Research (2015), Plos Genetics (2013,2015) among others. He was awarded with an ERC Consolidator 2019.