Clivia obtained her PhD in Physics (Manchester Univ., UK 1984). She held tenured appointments at St. Andrews and Glasgow Universities and became a C4 professor at Wuppertal Univ. (Germany 1996). During 2004-8 she was a research professor at Univ. College Cork, Tyndall National Institute (Ireland). Since 2007 she is at ICN2 and heads a 17-strong team working on phonon engineering and nanofabrication. Clivia received awards from the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Nuffield Foundation and an Amelia Earhart Fellowship from ZONTA International (USA). She is author of over 500 scientific papers, of which 462 are indexed (WoS, Researcher ID: E-8418-2010), has an h-index of 46 and almost 9000 citations. She edited six books on low dimensional structures and nanofabrication. She was a guest professor at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden for five years until September last year.