Manel del Valle (Terrassa, 1963) received a degree in Chemistry from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), and completed a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from the same university in 1992. He is full professor of Analytical Chemistry at UAB (2018), where he had been previously associate professor. He completed postdoctoral stages in Newcastle (UK), Porto (Portugal), Graz (Austria) and Mexico. He was awarded the Young Researcher prize in Analytical Chemistry (SEQA, 1992), the prestigious Young Researcher Distinction for the Promotion of University Research (2001-2004) from the Generalitat de Catalunya, and an ICREA Academia (2010 and 2015). He is member of Editorial Board of the journals Talanta, Journal of Sensors and Bionics and Biomimetics. He has (co)supervised 21 PhD theses, and accounts for more than 200 publications and ca. 5000 citations in ISI journals. He holds a h index of 38 (ISI), 39 (SCOPUS) or 46 (Google Scholar).

Manel del Valle
ICREA Academia 2010 & 2015
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona · Engineering Sciences

Research interests
Manel del Valle is a founding and active member of the Sensors & Biosensors Group at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, where he leads lines of research on biosensors using electrochemical impedance transduction (genosensors and aptamer based) and electronic tongues employing potentiometric, voltammetric and impedimetric sensors. The latter are the paradigm in chemical sensing, that entails the use of sensor arrays with cross-response features plus advanced computer data processing, in a bioinspired manner. Late research has clearly reached the convergence of technologies: nanotechnology, biotechnology, information science and cogno systems; this corresponds to the incorporation of nanotechnology ideas to the development of biosensor array systems or bioelectronic tongues.
Biosensor arrays, electronic tongues, nanotechnology, genosensors, aptasensors, artificial neural networks, convergence of technologies