Manuel García-Carpintero was born in Daimiel (Spain) in 1957. He got his "Licenciatura" ( ≈ BA) at the University of Barcelona (1979) and his PhD also at the University of Barcelona (1988), where he has taught since 1984, after teaching at secondary schools between 1979 and 1984. He visited the CSLI, Stanford University, for one academic year (1990-91), and for shorter periods the philosophy departments at MIT (1992), NYU (1997), Oxford (1998), and Lisbon (2011, 2012). He was a fellow at the Center for the Advanced Studies in the Humanities (Edinburgh, 2001), and he has been appointed Visiting Professor at the University of Lisbon (2013-2020). He was awarded a "Distinció de Recerca" for senior researchers by the Catalan Government between 2002 and 2008, and in 2008 (2009-2013), 2013 (2014-2018) and 2018 (2019-2023) the prize “ICREA Acadèmia” for excellence in research, also funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Manuel García-Carpintero Sánchez-Miguel
ICREA Academia 2008, 2013 & 2018
Universitat de Barcelona · Humanities

Research interests
Manuel García-Carpintero is Professor at the University of Barcelona ( He works in philosophical logic, the philosophy of language, the philosophy of mind and related epistemological and metaphysical issues. He has a book on assertion forthcoming in OUP entitled Tell Me What You Know, and he is working on another two, one on indexicals under contract with Springer, Indexicals and Reflexivity, and another on the first person under contract with OUP, Representing Oneself.
reference, presupposition, assertion, semantics/pragmatics, fiction