Javier Rodrigo, born in Saragozza in 1977, is Associate Professor -recognized for Full professorship-, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. PhD (2004) in History from the European University Institute in Florence and postdoctoral researcher at the London School of Economics, has later been “Juan de la Cierva” Research Fellow at the University of Zaragoza and “Ramón y Cajal” Research Fellow at the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona. He is the author or coordinator of 16 books on concentration camps history, mass violence and the Spanish Civil War, the Great War and Total war in Europe, on the Italian Fascist intervention in Spain, on historiography and on the global history of Civil Wars, among others.

Javier Rodrigo Sánchez
ICREA Academia 2018
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona · Humanities

Research interests
As a historian, I am interested in war, violence, terror and-or genocide, forced displacements, eliminationist theories and practises (particularly fascism), historiography and cultural representations. I am currently working in a continental history of post-civil war periods, after having completed a global history, together with David Alegre, of civil wars in the XXth Century, Comunidades rotas. Una historia global de las guerras civiles, 1917-2017 (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2019). I am also dealing with the history of the links between Fascism and war, as a continuation of my previous reseach on the Italian intervention in the Spanish Civil War (La guerra fascista. Italia en la guerra civil española, Alianza, 2016, to be publish by Routledge in 2019). Furthermore, I am carring on two parallel projects, on forced displacements history and memory in Europe, and on local perceptions of violence and terror.
Civil Wars, Europe, Violence, Fascism, Genocide, War Experience, Historiography, Spain