Isabelle Anguelovski

Isabelle Anguelovski

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Social & Behavioural Sciences

Isabelle obtained a PhD in Urban Studies & Planning (MIT) before returning to Europe in 2011 with a Marie Curie fellowship. Situated at the intersection of urban planning and policy, social inequality and development studies, her research examines the extent to which urban plans, policies, and socio-environmental interventions contribute to more just, resilient, healthy, and sustainable cities. She also studies how community groups in distressed neighborhoods contest the existence or exacerbation of environmental inequities as a result of urban (re)development processes. Based at UAB-ICTA where she leads the research line on Cities & Environmental Justice, she is also an affiliated researcher at IMIM where she directs the Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice & Sustainability (BCNUEJ). Much of her work takes place in marginalized urban neighborhoods who are resisting displacement in Europe, the US, L. America, S. Africa, and S.E Asia.

Research interests

I am a social scientist trained in urban and environmental planning (PhD, MIT, 2011), nonprofit management (Harvard University, 2004), international development (University de Paris-1 Sorbonne, 2001), and political studies (Science Po, 2000). Before starting my PhD in 2006, I held several positions in international development NGOs in France and the US. As part of collaborative EU and international research projects, I study 1) the extent to which environmental gentrification processes lead to new forms of green locally unwanted land uses (GREENLULUs – ERC Starting Grant (2016-2021) in historically marginalized neighborhoods, 2) how municipalities protect vulnerable communities from climate risks and inequality, 3) what opportunities and constraints exist to transitioning towards a low-carbon economy within European urban regions, 4) how the governance of urban nature-based solutions planning in Europe addresses (or exacerbates) environmental injustices.

Selected publications

Anguelovski I, Connolly J, Cole HV, Garcia-Lamarca M & Pearsall H 2019, ‘New scholarly pathways on green gentrification: What does the urban “green turn” mean and where is it going?‘, Progress in Human Geography, 43, 6, 1064-1086.

Anguelovski I, Connolly J, Pearsall H, Shokry G, Checker M, Maantay J, Gould K, Lewis T, Maroko A & Roberts JT 2019. “Opinion: Why green “climate gentrification” threatens poor and vulnerable populations“, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (52):26139-26143.

Anguelovski I, Irázabal-Zurita Cl & Connolly JJT 2019, “Grabbed urban landscapes: Socio-spatial tensions in green infrastructure planning in MedellínInternational Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 43 (1), 133-156.

– Harrison J, Delgado M, Derudder B, Anguelovski I, Montero S, Bailey D & De Propris L 2019, ‘Pushing regional studies beyond its borders‘, Regional Studies, 54:1, 129-139.

– Cole HVS, Triguero-Mas M, Connolly JJT & Anguelovski I 2019, ‘Determining the health benefits of green space: Does gentrification matter?‘, Health & Place, 57, 1 – 11. (coordinating role, as in public health studies)

Selected research activities

– PI GreenLULUs (ERC Starting Grant 2016-2021)

– PI (UAB) Naturvation (H2020 collaborative grant 2016-2020)

– Scientific Advisory Board Member for the City of Barcelona and the implementation of the Plà de Ciencia (selected member).

– “(In)justices in Urban Greening Strategies. V Culture and Citizenship Meeting. 23 & 24 October 2019. Ministry of Culture and Sports, Madrid (Spain) (invited speaker)

– “How do we demand access to green space as a right for everyone?” The Nature of Cities Summit. June 6 2019. Paris (keynote speaker).

– “Planning and designing green cities for all.” 20 March 2019. Yale University (invited speaker).

– Dialogues for Nature-based Solutions and Green Infrastructure. Three Multi-stakeholder events with 50+ participants from public, nonprofit, private, and university institutions in Catalonia. 2017-2020 (co-organizer)