PhD in Geography and History (1995), University of Barcelona, for my research on proto-historic societies in Catalonia through the analysis of domestic architecture. From 1996 to 1998 I was a post-doctoral researcher at the CNRS (Unité Mixte de Recherche 5140 - Lattes, France). From 1999 to 2003, I worked at the University of Barcelona as a post-doctoral researcher, with research periods in France. In 2004, I took a position at the ICAC to start a research programme about the complex societies of Western Mediterranean. I joined ICREA in 2006 as an ICREA researcher, and became an ICREA research professor in 2010. I develop my research at the ICAC in collaboration with researchers of Catalan, French and Tunisian Institutions. I made stays as invited researcher at the Universities of Chicago and Montpellier. In 2013, I received Positive Assessment from the AQU Catalunya (Catalan Evaluation Agency) in order to apply for a university full professor position.