Maria Carme Belarte

Maria Carme Belarte

Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica


PhD in Geography and History (1995), University of Barcelona, for my research on proto-historic societies in Catalonia through the analysis of domestic architecture. From 1996 to 1998 I was a post-doctoral researcher at the CNRS (Unité Mixte de Recherche 5140 - Lattes, France). From 1999 to 2003, I worked at the University of Barcelona as a post-doctoral researcher, with research periods in France. In 2004, I took a position at the ICAC to start a research programme about the complex societies of Western Mediterranean. I joined ICREA in 2006 as an ICREA researcher, and became an ICREA research professor in 2010. I develop my research at the ICAC in collaboration with researchers of Catalan, French and Tunisian Institutions. I made stays as invited researcher at the Universities of Chicago and Montpellier. In 2013, I received Positive Assessment from the AQU Catalunya (Catalan Evaluation Agency) in order to apply for a university full professor position.

Research interests

The general goal of my research is to study the processes that transformed the Late Bronze Age local-scale groups into the complex societies based on large territorial organizations of the Central and Western Mediterranean Iron Age. My topics of research include urbanization and state formation, settlement patterns, architecture, funerary practices and rituals. My current research is conducted in North-eastern Iberian Peninsula, South of France and North of Africa, and mainly focuses on two issues: on the one hand, the urbanization process and its connection with state formation in the central and western Mediterranean; on the other hand, the study of protohistoric societies through an interdisciplinary analysis of domestic architecture and activities.

Selected publications

Belarte MC, Noguera J, Plana-Mallart R & Sanmartí J 2019, Urbanization in Iberia and Mediterranean Gaul in the first millennium BC. Treballs de la Mediterrània Antiga, 7, Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica, Tarragona.

– Gailledrat E & Belarte MC 2019, ‘Architecture and Urbanism in the Fortified Settlement of Pech Maho (Sigean, France) in the Third Century BC: A Social and Economic Perspective’, Oxford Journal Of Archaeology, 38, 3, 271-301.

Belarte MC & Principal J 2019, ‘Modèles d’habitat et d’architecture domestique dans le nord-est de l’Hispanie citérieure aux IIe et Ier siècles avant notre ère’, Guichard V, Vaginey M (dirs), Les modèles italiens dans l’architecture des IIe et Ier siècles avant notre ère en Gaule et dans les régions voisines. Actes du colloque de Toulouse, 2-4 octobre 2013. Collection Bibracte, 30, Bibracte, 159-170.

Selected research activities

Principal Investigator (PI)

  • Caracterización de los asentamientos urbanos en la costa de la Iberia septentrional (Siglos VI-III a.C.): teledetección, documentación y restitución de estructuras constructivas (I+D HAR2015-67946-C2-2-P)
  • Formes d’ocupació del territori i evolució del poblament a la Cessetània occidental durant la protohistòria (CLT009/18/00095)

Invited talks

  • ‘Forme, fonction et signification des foyers à l’Âge du Fer dans l’aire ibérique (s. 700 – 200 av. J.-C.)’. International workshop Autour du foyer: pratiques rituelles et modes de commensalité dans la Méditerranée de l’Âge du fer, de l’Égée à la Péninsule Ibérique, Paris (France), June 2019.
  • ‘Entre autochtones et allochtones en Ibérie: la formation d’une société urbaine dans un contexte non colonial’. International conference Être autochtone, devenir autochtone : définitions, représentations. Gammarth (Tunisia), October 2019.

Teaching at the UAB-URV-ICAC Classical Archaeology Master.

Academic Supervisor, Advanced Training Area of the ICAC, Master of Classical Archaeology (ICAC-UAB-URV).