I graduated in 1998 and obtained my PhD in Biology in November 2003 at University of Girona. After that I was a postdoc at the University of Oslo (2006) and the National Environmental Institute of Denmark (2006-2008). From 2009 to 2012, I worked as a research scientist at the European Commission-Joint Research Centre (Italy). In 2013, I was awarded a Marie Curie Intra European Senior Fellowship to work at the University of Aarhus (Denmark) for two years. In 2013, I was also a Visiting Scientist at the Middle East Technical University, Turkey. In September 2015, I was appointed ICREA Research professor at University of Vic and I am heading the Aquatic Ecology Research Group (GEA) that hosts ten members. GEA researchers are members of the Chair on Water, Nature and Wellness.