ICREA Research Professor, Margarita Díaz-Andreu’s career has mainly been developed in the UK and Catalonia. She worked at Durham University from 1996 to 2011, leaving her position as a Reader to move to the University of Barcelona in January 2012. Since then all her efforts have been directed at promoting the internationalisation of Catalan research. Since her arrival she has published ten books and 44 peer-reviewed articles. She is currently leading three projects, R+D+i, Palarq, ERC, the latter sustaining nine PhD and post-doctoral positions. She has also been successful in a JPI grant to start soon. She is also supervising three other students with personal grants, including a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship. Since her arrival in Barcelona eight years ago, four students have completed their PhDs and three of them are now, or will be soon, in research careers.