Margarita Díaz-Andreu

Margarita Díaz-Andreu

Universitat de Barcelona


ICREA Research Professor, Margarita Díaz-Andreu’s career has mainly been developed in the UK and Catalonia. She worked at Durham University from 1996 to 2011, leaving her position as a Reader to move to the University of Barcelona in January 2012. Since then all her efforts have been directed at promoting the internationalisation of Catalan research. Since her arrival she has published ten books and 44 peer-reviewed articles. She is currently leading three projects, R+D+i, Palarq, ERC, the latter sustaining nine PhD and post-doctoral positions. She has also been successful in a JPI grant to start soon. She is also supervising three other students with personal grants, including a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship. Since her arrival in Barcelona eight years ago, four students have completed their PhDs and three of them are now, or will be soon, in research careers.

Research interests

The three main research areas in which Díaz-Andreu has been active and has led research groups in the last few years are still in place: prehistoric art with an emphasis on archaeoacoustics (ERC Artsoundscapes project, Palarq project), the history of archaeology ( and heritage ( and upcoming EU-JPI CURBATHERI project). Her work in archaeoacoustics is highly innovative and she leads an interdisciplinary group of archaeologists, acoustic engineers, ethnomusicologists and psychologists. For this project, in addition to working in the Western Mediterranean area, in 2019 she has undertaken fieldwork Altai (Siberia). In the history of archaeology the high point has been the completion of a manuscript on the history of archaeological tourism to be published by Springer. She will soon be leading the Spanish team of a project on heritage conservation. In all these areas she is leading groups of academics and students (GAPP, InterArq, Artsoundscapes).

Selected publications

Díaz-Andreu M 2019. Arqueologia crítica e humanista.  São Paulo, Fonte Editorial. 211 pages.

Díaz-Andreu M & Mattioli T 2019. ‘Rock Art, music and acoustics: a global overview’. In B. David and I. J. McNiven (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology and Anthropology of Rock Art: 503-528, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Diaz-Andreu M, Hameau Ph & Mattioli T 2019, ‘Des sites à voir et à entendre: les abris a motifs schématiques de la falaise de Baume Brune (Vaucluse)‘, Anthropologie, 123, 1, 66 – 99.

Díaz-Andreu M, Farina A, Armelloni E, Coltofean L, Picas M & Mattioli T.2019. ‘Acoustic effects at prehistoric landscapes: an archaeoacoustics analysis of rock art sites from Western Mediterranean‘. In Vorländer, M. and Fels, J. (eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, 9 to 13 September 2019 in Aachen, Germany. Berlin, German Acoustical Society: 281-287.

Díaz-Andreu M 2019. Prefacio. In Domínguez, L.S. et al. (eds.), Arqueología de Contacto en Latinoamérica. São Luís, Universidade Federal do Maranhão (EDUFMA): 9-15.

Selected research activities

  • Membership of scientific committees: EAA Meeting (Bern); ASP VI congress (Alicante)
  • Vice-president of the UISPP History of Archaeology Commission
  • Advisory panels & evaluation: Caixa, COST, AEI, Ikerbasque.
  • Social impact in journals & radio programmes

Conference and talks

  • Keynote speaker: heritage conference held at the Museo do Côa (Portugal)
  • Garrod Day Talk. University of Cambridge.
  • Discussant. Session: From landscape archaeology to soundscape archaeology. EAA (Bern)
  • Session organised at the EAA; workshop organised in Barcelona
  • Participation in international conferences and workshops: SAA (Albuquerque): Music Archaeology (London), U. de los Andes (Sep), Bologna (Oct); VII IAPP, Torino
  • Participation in national conferences and workshops: Residència d’Investigadors; ASP VI; Montblanc; UCM