Paul Reynolds

Paul Reynolds

Universitat de Barcelona


At UCL studied for my BA (1980) and PhD (1991) (Settlement and Pottery of the Vinalopo Valley (Alicante), AD 400-700), which included a detailed review of ceramics and trade in W Mediterranean ports (published as BAR 588 & 604 in 1993, 1995). Have studied and published ceramics from excavations in Spain (Cartagena, Valencia), Roman Syria (Beirut, Homs, Basit, Zeugma), Albania (Butrint, Durres), Greece (Athens, Corinth, Thesproteia, Nicopolis-Actium, Patras) and North Africa (Carthage, Utica, Leptis Magna). The book Hispania and the Roman Mediterranean, AD 100-700: ceramics and trade was published in 2010. Co-editor of the series Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery.

Research interests

The principal aim of my research is the study of the economy of the Classical and Late Antique Mediterranean, the lower Danube-Black Sea and Atlantic through the definition of regional ceramic typologies (forms and archaeometry) and the analysis of the regional distribution of ceramics in major ports. This focuses on the long-distance movement of local, regional and imported fine table-wares, amphorae & cooking wares. I am interested in all factors that contributed to the supply of goods: private, state, city, ecclesiastical & administrative structures.

Selected publications

Reynolds P & Ikäheimo J 2019. ‘Late Hellenistic and Roman Pottery from the Tower Deposits of Agios Donatos’, in B. Försén  (ed.), Thesprotia Expedition IV, Papers and Monographs of the Finnish Institute at Athens 24,  Helsinki: 317-386.

– Forsén B, Korhonen K & Reynolds P 2019, ‘Brick Stamps and Graffiti from Agios Donatos’, in B. Forsén (ed.), Thesprotia Expedition IV. Region Transformed by Empire, Papers and Monographs of the Finnish Institute at Athens 24, Helsinki 2019: 413-428.

Reynolds P  2019, Butrint 6. Excavations on the Vrina Plain Volume 3: Roman and late Antique pottery from the Vrina Plain excavations. Oxford and Philadelphia (Oxbow Books)

Reynolds P, Ripoll G, Michel D’Annoville C, Dugast F 2019, ‘L’alimentation dans l’Antiquité tardive (IVe-VIIIe siècles): une introduction’. In Reynolds, P., Ripoll, G., Michel D’Annoville, C., Dugast, F. (eds.), L’alimentation dans l’Antiquité tardive (IVe-VIIIe siècles), Antiquité Tardive 27, 2019, 15-23.

Reynolds P, Ripoll G, Michel D’Annoville C & Dugast F (eds.), L’alimentation dans l’Antiquité tardive (IVe-VIIIe siècles), Antiquité Tardive 27, 2019.