ICREA research professor, associate professor and group leader of the Computational Science Laboratory at UPF, and CEO/CSO at Acellera Ltd. Bachelor degree with honors in applied mathematics (1997) by the University of Bologna and a PhD by University of London (2002). He worked for the CINECA supercomputing center in Italy (1998-1999) and was a postdoctoral researcher at University College London (2003-2006). In 2006, he founded Acellera Ltd where he acts as director. By 2008 he won a tenure-track Ramon y Cajal research position and later the national I3-tenured program. In 2014 he became ICREA Research Professor. He performed research stays as visiting professor at Stanford University and at UCLA. He has published over 110 articles in high-ranking international journals with an h-index of 38, 6000 citations and 1150 citations per year in 2020.