Alejandro R. Goñi

Alejandro R. Goñi

Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona

Engineering Sciences

I was born in Córdoba, Argentina, and graduated in physics in 1985 from Balseiro Institute, Argentina. In 1986 I moved to Germany for my PhD at the Max-Planck Institute FKF in Stuttgart with Prof. M. Cardona, which I finished in 1989. It followed a two-years postdoc at AT&T Bell Labs in Murray Hill, USA, and back to the MPI Stuttgart for three years. In 1996 I switched to the Technical University of Berlin for an appointment as Research & Teaching Associate. In 1999 I was awarded the Karl-Scheel Prize of the Physical Society of Berlin for my contributions to the field of high-pressure semiconductor physics. I joined the Optoelectronic Properties of Nanostructured Materials group at ICMAB-CSIC in November 2003 as ICREA. I created a facility for optical spectroscopy with micro and nanometer-scale resolution and set up a laboratory for high-pressure physics. I am leading group activities on high pressure, hybrid perovskites and plasmon-assisted thermionic emitters.

Research interests

I am an experimental physicist with broad interests and expertise in solid-state physics, optical spectroscopy (Raman scattering, photoluminescence, etc.), nano-science and technology, energy materials, the physics of low-dimensional materials (superlattices, quantum wires and dots), highly correlated electron systems, and high-pressure techniques. Essentially, I use light as a probe of the physical properties of all kinds of organic and/or inorganic molecular and nano-materials, searching for new behaviors or phenomena that emerge as a direct consequence of the reduced dimensionality and/or size of the material system under study. Although I am pursuing basic research, almost all my lines of investigation have a clear application in mind, such as to improve the performance of optoelectronic devices based on nano-materials, enhance thermoelectric and/or photovoltaic properties, boost solar energy conversion efficiency, develop ultra-sensitive spectroscopic techniques, etc.

Selected publications

- Goñi AR 2020, 'Echoes from Quantum Confinement', Nature Mater. 19, 1138-1139.

- Gómez A, Wang Q, Goñi AR, Campoy-Quiles M & Abate A 2020, 'Reply to the ‘‘Comment on the publication ‘Ferroelectricity-free lead halide perovskites’ by Gómez et al.’’ by Colsmann et al.', Energy Environ. Sci. 13, 1892-1895.

- Francisco-López A, Charles B, Alonso MI, Garriga M, Campoy-Quiles M, Weller MT, Goñi AR 2020, 'Phase Diagram of Methylammonium/Formamidinium Lead Iodide Perovskite Solid Solutions from Temperature-Dependent Photoluminescence and Raman Spectroscopies', J. Phys. Chem. C.124, 3448-3458.

- Ferrando-Villalba P, Chen S, Lopeandía AF, Alvarez FX, Alonso MI, Garriga M, Santiso J, Garcia G, Goñi AR, Donadio, D & Rodríguez-Viejo J 2020, 'Beating the Thermal Conductivity Alloy Limit Using Long-Period Compositionally Graded Si1-xGex Superlattices', J. Phys. Chem. C. 124, 19864-19872.

- Perevedentsev A, Francisco-López A, Shi X, Braendle A, Caseri WR, Goñi AR & Campoy-Quiles M 2020, 'Homoconjugation in Light-Emitting Poly(Phenylene Methylene)s: Origin and Pressure-Enhanced Photoluminescence', Macromol. 53, 7519–7527.

- Ribeiro JM, Correia FC, Kuzmin A, Jonane I, Kong M, Goñi AR, Reparaz JS, Kalinko A, Welter E, Tavares CJ 2020, 'Influence of Nb-Doping on the Local Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of Transparent TiO2:Nb Thin Films, J. Alloy Compd. 838, 155561/1-11.

Selected research activities

-Invitation to write a 'News & Views' article, Echoes from Quantum Confinement, Goñi AR, Nature Mater. 19, 1138-1139 (2020).

-Guarantor Investigator and Coordinator of Research Line RL1: Sustainable Energy Conversion & Storage Systems of the Severo Ochoa Centers of Excellence Award granted to ICMAB-CSIC, Ref. CEX2019-000917-S (FUNFUTURE), by the Spanish Ministry of Science & Innovation (MICINN).  Scientific Director: Rosa Palacín, 4 M€ for the period 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2023.