I am ICREA Research Professor in the Department of Economics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). I am also Affiliated Faculty of the Barcelona GSE and of the Institute of Political Economy and Governance, and Research Affiliate of the Centre for Economic and Policy Research. I hold master degrees from Sorbonne and Brown University and a Ph.D. from Brown University. Prior to joining UPF, I was post-doctoral fellow at Yale University, and assistant and then associate professor of economics at Sciences Po (Paris). My work has been published in some of the world's most renown reviews in economics including the Journal of Political Economy, the American Economic Review, the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, the Economic Journal, and the Journal of the European Economic Association. In 2018 I was awarded a five-year 1.5M€ starting grant from the European Research Council for a project on "Independence and Quality of Mass Media in the Internet Age".