Professor of Medieval History (s. 2002) at the Univ. Lleida and Doctor Honoris Causa by the Univ. Nacional de Cuyo, (Mendoza, 2014), he served as visiting professor (Cambridge, Concepción, CONICET-Buenos Aires, ENS-Lyon, JSPS-Tokyo, Lisbon, Paris-1, Poitiers, Tashkent, Yale), member of research trust board (California, Leeds, Porto, CNRS-Paris, CNR-Rome) and Quality University Agencies (Spain, Romania, Portugal). He was vice-president of the Spanish Medieval Association, a member of the board of the European Medieval Society and first president of the Forum for Medieval National Associations. Member of Academies in France, Spain and USA, he was awarded with the Distinction of the Generalitat de Catalunya for University Research (2000) and the ICREA Academia (2015, 2020). He leads the journal Imago Temporis. Medium Aevum and his publications included books as The Death Penalty in Late-Medieval Catalonia (2020) and the edition of The Crown of Aragon, a singular medieval empire (2017).

Flocel Sabaté Curull
ICREA Acadèmia 2015
Universitat de Lleida · Humanities

Research interests
I have studied the axes of cohesion in late-medieval European society, analysing the levels of shared identity with a common memory orientated by dominant ideology, looking for the expressiveness and emotiveness of the experienced power. I stated that the values assumed by the society in search of its own cohesion based on different levels of collective identity (municipal, estate, guild, national) but provoked the rejection of diverse people, as Jews and Muslims. From a methodological point of view I have focussed on archive sources, especially from the Crown of Aragon. I have contrasted the data obtained with diverse places and international research groups, sharing research projects from competitive calls and seminars, scientific meetings and congresses (Saint-Etienne, 2020; Fortaleza, Warsaw, 2019; Vicenza, 2018; Wroclaw, Lyon, Alexandria, 2017; Dresden, Cagliari 2016). The results of the research have been published in highly valued journals and in well recognized publishers.
Medieval history, Power, Institutions, Territory, Society