Verònica Benet-Martínez

Verònica Benet-Martínez

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Social & Behavioural Sciences

Before joining ICREA and Pompeu Fabra U., I held professorships at the U. of California Riverside and the U. of Michigan. I obtained a PhD in Psychology from the U. of California Davis and was a funded Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the U. of California Berkeley. I am President-elect of the European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP), an appointed Fellow of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), was an Associate Editor for the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2009-2015), and I am an Editorial Board Member for several top-tier scientific journals in social-personality and cultural psychology. My research has been funded by government and private grants from the US, Catalonia, and the EU. I have received awards from SPSP (Outstanding Mid-Career Contributions in Personality Psychology) and the American Psychological Association (Otto Klineberg Intercultural and International Relations Award)  

Research interests

Using observational and experimental research designs and different types of data (survey, behavioral, social network) I examine the following issues: ACCULTURATION/MULTICULTURALISM: Dynamics and socio-cognitive correlates of managing two or more cultural affiliations and identities; Individual differences in bicultural identity structure; Biculturalism and social-networks; Consequences of biculturalism (social, cognitive, and adjustment-related). CULTURE AND PERSONALITY/SELF-CONCEPT: Identification and measurement of culture-specific and -general personality constructs; Interplay of cultural values and personality in predicting well-being; Bilingualism and self-schemas. CROSS-CULTURAL RESEARCH METHODS: Cultural/linguistic issues in the development and adaptation of psychological scales and tests; Combined emic-etic methodology.

Selected publications

- Lu C, Benet-Martinez V & Robins RW 2020, 'The Development of Ethnic Identity From Late Childhood to Young Adulthood: Findings From a 10-Year Longitudinal Study of Mexican-Origin Youth', Social Psychological And Personality Science, 5, 709-717.

- Schwartz SJ, Szabo A, Meca A, Ward C,  Martinez CR, Cobb CL, Benet-Martinez V, Unger JB & Pantea N 2020, 'The Convergence Between Cultural Psychology and Developmental Science: Acculturation as an Exemplar', Frontiers In Psychology, 11, 887.

- Jubran H, Horenczyk G & Benet-Martinez V 2020, 'Profiles of Multi-cultural Identity Integration in a Conflictual Context', International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 77, 1 - 12.

- Benet-Martinez V & Repke L 2020, 'Broadening the social psychological approach to acculturation: cultural, personality and social-network approaches (Ampliacion del enfoque socio-psicologico de la aculturacion: perspectivas cultural, de la personalidad y de las redes sociales)', International Journal Of Social Psychology, 35:3, 526-559.

Selected research activities

- Academic Service: President-elect and member of the EC and various scientific subcommittees for the European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP). 

- 3 invited talks: Department of Psychology, New York University (Abu Dhabi, UAE); Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 2020 Annual Convention (New Orleans, USA); International Congress of Laboratories in Social Sciences (Valencia, Spain).

- 3 conference presentations: Sociedad Científica Española de Psicología Social (Burgos, Spain); International Academy Conference (Heidelberg, Germany) x 2.

- PhD & Master theses direction: 3 master theses