Núria Montserrat Pulido

Núria Montserrat Pulido

Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

Life & Medical Sciences

My expertise in understanding the molecular mechanisms leading to organ regeneration was recognized with the prestigious ERC-Starting grant in 2014 and recently with an ERC Consolidator Grant (call 2020). After receiving a Ramon y Cajal Fellowship (first ranked candidate, 100/100 points) I became Junior Group Leader (2015) at IBEC. I received 9 M€ in funded projects and published 64 papers  including journals as Cell, Cell Stem Cell, Cell Metabolism, Nature Materials,  among others. My h-index is 32. I gave >150 invited talks and participated and > 200 outreach activities. I am devoted to translating my findings into the clinics relaying on collaborations with world-recognized clinicians and basic scientists. I combined my research activity being Deputy Director at the CMRB (2011-13) and IBEC (2018-today).

Research interests

My fascination to understand how tissues develop have helped me to start revealing early programs that fail when these get disease. Making use of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) I can lead my team to formulate these fundamental questions with a particular focus in heart and kidney tissues. To achieve this goal, we develop new tools and methodologies, including the generation of hPSCs cell lines, the derivation of hPSCs-organoids and the formulation of biomimetic materials/bioengineering strategies emulating the tissue milieu. Our research is focused in understanding how systemic conditions (i.e., diabetes, hyperlipidemia, among others) and physical constrains (i.e., changes in extracellular matrix composition and stiffness,among others) lead to disease in kidney and heart tissues. More recently, and due to COVID19 outbreak, we have transfer our knowledge and tools to target SARS-CoV-2 infection in our micro-engineered organ-like cultures revealing in the utility of these systems to advance our understanding on SARS-CoV-2 host interactions and to identify therapeutic compounds for COVID19.

Selected publications

– Monteil, Vanessa; Kwon, Hyesoo; Prado, Patricia; ….Montserrat, Nuria*; Mirazimi, Ali*; Penninger, Josef M* 2020, ‘Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 Infections in Engineered Human Tissues Using Clinical-Grade Soluble Human ACE2’, Cell, 181, 4, 905 – +.*co-correspondency

– Zoufaly, Alexander; ….; Mirazimi, Ali; Montserrat, Nuria; Zhang, Haibo; Slutsky, Arthur S.; Penninger, Josef M. 2020, ‘Human recombinant soluble ACE2 in severe COVID-19’, Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 8, 11, 1154 – 1158.

– Lynch, C.J., Bernad, R., Martínez-Val, A. et al. 2020, ‘Global hyperactivation of enhancers stabilizes human and mouse naive pluripotency through inhibition of CDK8/19 Mediator kinases‘. Nat Cell Biol  22, 223–1238

– Hoogduijn, Martin J.; Montserrat, Nuria; ….Reinders, Marlies E. J. ‘The emergence of regenerative medicine in organ transplantation: 1st European Cell Therapy and Organ Regeneration Section meeting‘,Transplant International, 33, 8, 833-840.

– Kyndiah, Adrica; ….Montserrat, Nuria; Mas-Torrent, Marta; Gomila, Gabriel 2020, ‘Bioelectronic Recordings of Cardiomyocytes with Accumulation Mode Electrolyte Gated Organic Field Effect Transistors‘, Biosens Bioelectron. Volume 150, 111844

Selected research activities

Commissioner for the organization of the first City and Science Biennia of Barcelona (2019 and 2021)

Fundación Íñigo Alvarez de Toledo award (2019)

EMBO Young Investigator Award (2020)

Constantes y Vitales Award for the best biomedical publication (Cell, 2020)

National Research Award for Young Talent from thet Catalan Foundation of Research and Innovation (FCRi) (2020).