Xavier Rodó

Xavier Rodó

Institut de Salut Global Barcelona

Experimental Sciences & Mathematics

Head of the CLIMA (Climate & Health Program at ISGlobal, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4843-6180). Founding director of the IC3 climate institute and former head of the LRC-PCB. MSc in engineering, completed his PhD in 1997 (UB) on the simulation of extreme ecosystems under climate forcing. Visiting fellow at Princeton and UCSD, and COLA-IGES associated scientist. Background in numerical ecology, climate dynamics and climate impact modeling. Taught ecology, advanced statistics, climate dynamics and sustainability and led/participated in >50 research projects. Over 20 postdoct fellows. Co-chair of CLIVAR-Spain (-2007), SSC of the MEDCLIVAR-ESF, CA and ER of the AR4-WGII and ER of AR6 (IPCC2007, 2021). SCM of the DIG of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) and of the ISIMIP Health Impact Models for IPCC AR6. EBM: PLoS NTD, Sci. Rep. and of the OPCC to monitor climate change in the Pyrenees. TT of the WMO climate & COVID-19. EG Health UfM.

Research interests

The interplay between climate and health, where I attempt to uncover how climate impacts a wide range of diseases. I also work on climate dynamics, particularly the origin and predictability of El Niño and towards improving translational climate services for health, in particular for extremes. I am interested in the development of new statistical techniques and on improving computational models with different levels of complexity. The former to disentangle the interplay between intrinsic (e.g. immunity, demography, malnutrition) and extrinsic factors (e.g. climate, environment). For instance, the modeling of climate-driven infectious diseases (from waterborne, to foodborne, vectorborne and airborne diseases such as COVID-19), both in endemic regions and in epidemic conditions (e.g. malaria in fringe areas of deserts and highlands in Africa and Asia). An emerging area of my research entails understanding the interaction between climate, pollution and the aerial microbiome for their effects on human health. 

Selected publications

- López L & Rodó X, 2020, 'The end of social confinement and COVID-19 re-emergence risk', Nature Human Behaviour, 4:746-755.

- Zaitchik B, Sweijd N, Shumake-Guillemot J, Morse A, Gordon C, ... & Rodó X, 2020, 'A framework for research linking weather, climate and COVID-19', Nature Comms., 11:5730.

- Petrova D, Ballester J, Koopman SJ & Rodó X, 2020, 'Multi-year statistical prediction of ENSO enhanced by the tropical Pacific observing system' J. Clim. 33(1):163-174.

- Sardar T, Ghosh I, Rodó X & Chattopadhyay J, 2020, 'A realistic two-strain model for MERS-CoV infection uncovers the high risk for epidemic propagation', PLOS Negl. Trop. Dis., 14(2):e0008065.

- Mitjà O, Arenas À, Rodó X, Tobias A et al, 2020, 'Experts’ request to the Spanish Government: move Spain towards complete lockdown', The Lancet, 395(10231):1193-1194.

- Ramonet M, Rodó X et al., 2020, 'The fingerprint of the summer 2018 drought in Europe on CO2 measurements', Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B. Biol. Sci., 375(1810):20190513.

- Teissier Y,  Paul R, Aubry M, Rodó X, Dommar C, Salje H, Sakuntabhai A, Cazelles B & Cao-Lormeau VM, 2020, 'Long-term persistence of monotypic dengue transmission in small size isolated populations, French Polynesia, 1978-2014', PLOS Neglected Tropical Disease, 14(3):e0008110.

Selected research activities

*Assoc. Ed. PLoS NTD (2020-)
*Sci. Org. Comm. WMO-WHO-AGU Symposium on MAQ factors on COVID-19.
*WMO PANEL TT Member on MAQ on COVID-19, 2020-21.
*STOA EU Parliament Tech. Advisor on Climate, Pollution and COVID-19, 2020.
*Union for Mediterranean Expert Group, 2020/21
*IPCC AR6 WGII Expert Reviewer, 2020/21. Reviewer for: JAMA, Nature Human Behaviour, Nature Scientific Data, PLoS NTD, One Health