Sven Rosenkranz

Sven Rosenkranz

Universitat de Barcelona


Sven received his PhD from the University of St Andrews in 1999. After a research fellowship at UNAM, he worked at FU Berlin where he was awarded his senior doctorate (habilitation) in 2004. From 2005 until 2008 he received a DFG Heisenberg Fellowship. Sven joined ICREA in 2008. From 2010 until 2013 he coordinated the FP7 ITN PETAF (EC-GA 238128), from 2010 until 2015 served on the executive committee of the Consolider-Ingenio PERSP (CSD2009-00056), and from 2016 until 2019 coordinated the H2020 ETN Diaphora (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015-675415). He was PI of the project Fallibility, Rational Belief and Knowledge (FFI2013-45968-P, 2014-2016). Since 2014 he is coordinator of the consolidated research group LOGOS (2017-SGR-63), and from 2019 until 2021 serves as PI of the research project Justification, its Structure and Grounds (PGC2018-099889-B-I00). In 2018 he was elected member of the Academia Europaea.

Research interests

Sven's main research interests lie in metaphysics and epistemology. He is particularly interested in realism, objectivity, fallibility, the logic of justification, the limits of thought and knowledge (if any), and the philosophy of time and existence. Recently, Sven published a co-authored monograph on tensed theories of time with Springer. His latest book, titled Justification as Ignorance, concerns the nature and logic of epistemic justification and is scheduled to appear with Oxford University Press in March 2021.

Selected publications

- Correia F & Rosenkranz S 2020, 'Unfreezing the Spotlight: Tense Realism and Temporal Passage', Analysis, 80(1), 21–30.

- Correia F & Rosenkranz S 2020, 'Temporal existence and temporal location', Philosophical Studies, 177, 1999-2011

- Correia, F & Rosenkranz, S, 2020, 'The Formalities of Temporaryism without Presentness', Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 61, 2, 181 - 202.

- Correia F & Rosenkranz S 2020, 'On the relation between modality and tense', Inquiry - an Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 63, 586-604.

- Dutant, J & Rosenkranz, S, 2020, 'Inexact knowledge 2.0', Inquiry - an Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 63, 812-830.

Selected research activities

Coordinator of the consolidated research group in analytic philosophy, LOGOS (2017-SGR-63, 2017-2021)
Principal Investigator of the research project Justification, its Nature and Grounds (MICINN, PGC2018-099889-B-I00, 2019-2021)
Conception and organisation of the LOGOS Epistemology Workshop I, 12-13 November, 2020, University of Barcelona
‘Theories of Time and Existence, and the Relativistic Turn’, invited talk, PROTEUS, 25 November, 2020, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona