Jorge G. Russo

Jorge G. Russo

Universitat de Barcelona

Experimental Sciences & Mathematics

In 1983 JG Russo obtained a fellowship to study physics at the Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, where he obtained the degree (Licenciatura) in Physics (12/1986). He was awarded a SISSA fellowship to follow the PhD programme at SISSA, Trieste, Italy, where he finished his PhD (10/1990) under the supervision of Daniele Amati on Quantum gravity and String theory. As a postdoc at Stanford University, USA, he collaborated with L. Susskind on black hole physics. He continued his research on black holes and string theory first at the University of Texas at Austin, USA, and then at CERN, Geneva. In 1998 JG Russo moved to the University of Buenos Aires as a Professor and in 04/2003 joined ICREA as a Research Professor.

Research interests

A major challenge of theoretical physics is unveiling the fundamental laws that govern the universe. The microscopic world, governed by quantum mechanics, is fuzzy, uncertain and involves three forces among elementary particles: electromagnetic, weak nuclear and strong nuclear. The gravitational force, described by Einstein general relativity, is instead observed at large scales. But this theory is incompatible with quantum mechanics. Superstring theory is presently the best candidate to reconcile gravity with quantum mechanics and thus to provide a unifying framework for the four forces of nature.

Selected publications

- Russo JG 2020, 'Displaced orbits and electric-magnetic black hole binaries', Classical And Quantum Gravity, 37, 17, 175004.

- Arias-Tamargo G, Rodriguez-Gomez D & Russo JG 2020, 'Correlation functions in scalar field theory at large charge', Journal Of High Energy Physics, , 1, 171.

- Arias-Tamargo G, Rodriguez-Gomez D & Russo JG 2020, 'On the UV completion of the O(N) model in 6 -E dimensions: a stable large-charge sector', Journal Of High Energy Physics, 9, 64.

- Russo JG 2020, 'Deformed Cauchy random matrix ensembles and large N phase transitions', Journal Of High Energy Physics, vol. 11, pp 014.

- Russo JG & Tierz M 2020, 'Multiple phases in a generalized Gross-Witten-Wadia matrix model', Journal Of High Energy Physics, vol 9, pp 081.

- Russo JG 2020, 'Phases of unitary matrix models and lattice QCD2', Phys. Rev. D vol 102, no.10, pp 105019    

Selected research activities

Supervisor of various Master thesis and undergraduate thesis.

Committee member in PhD thesis.

Evaluator for funding proposals for FNRS, Belgium.

Invited seminar "Deformed Cauchy random matrix ensembles, large N phase transitions and Gross-Witten-Wadia model", Universidad Nacional de La Plata and Universidad de Buenos Aires, Jun 24 2020.

Invited seminar "Phases of unitary matrix models and lattice QCD in two dimensions", King's College London and Centre for Mathematical Science, City, University of London, Dec 3 2020.

Invited Colloquium "Nobel 2020 - Existence of black holes", Institute of Cosmos Sciences, University of Barcelona, Dec 11 2020.