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Luis Serrano

Luis Serrano

Centre de Regulació Genòmica

Life & Medical Sciences

I did my PhD at the CBM in Madrid on the role of the carboxy-terminal region of tubulin on polymerization and MAP binding. Then I moved to the UK to work on protein folding. In 1993 I moved to the EMBL as a GL and started a new activity related to Protein design. After 6 years I was promoted to Senior Scientist. 2 years later I was appointed head of the Structural & Computational Biology programme. At that time we moved into the field of protein misfolding and amyloidoses diseases. We also started a new area of research on Systems Biology, designing small gene networks, doing computer simulations on them and performing experiments to test the predictions. After 14 years at the EMBL I moved to Spain to lead a programme working on Systems Biology. I was appointed vice-director before finally becoming the CRG director in July 2011. My group is focused on Synthetic Biology, engineering and designing of biological systems using our knowledge on protein design and gene networks.

Research interests

The group of Luis Serrano is interested in the quantitative understanding and in the rational design of Biological Systems. To achieve this goal they combine theoretical and experimental approaches and develop appropriate software. Of particular interest for the group is the combination of protein design and network analysis to understand signal transduction and gene regulation. As a more ambitious project our group is now using Synthetic biology to engineer Mycoplasma pneumoniae as a living pill for human lung therapy.  We also continue developing the software for protein design ModelX and FoldX, to engineer proteins with immunomodulatory activity.  Finally we are exploting the role of codon usage and codon conservation in oncogenic proteins.

Selected publications

– Suay-Corredera, Carmen et al. 2021, ‘Protein haploinsufficiency drivers identify MYBPC3 variants that cause hypertrophic cardiomyopathy’, Journal Of Biological Chemistry, 297, 1, 100854.

– Burgos, Raul; Weber, Marc; Gallo, Carolina; Lluch-Senar, Maria; Serrano, Luis 2021, ‘Widespread ribosome stalling in a genome-reduced bacterium and the need for translational quality control’, Iscience, 24, 9, 102985.

– Garrido, Victoria; Pinero-Lambea, Carlos; Rodriguez-Arce, Irene; Paetzold, Bernhard; Ferrar, Tony; Weber, Marc; Garcia-Ramallo, Eva; Gallo, Carolina; Collantes, Maria; Penuelas, Ivan; Serrano, Luis; Grillo, Maria-Jesus; Lluch-Senar, Maria 2021, ‘Engineering a genome-reduced bacterium to eliminate Staphylococcus aureus biofilms in vivo’, Molecular Systems Biology, 17, 10, e10145.

– Head SA, Hernandez-Alias X, Yang JS, Ciampi L, Beltran-Sastre V, Torres-Méndez A, Irimia M, Schaefer MH, Serrano L., 2021, “Silencing of SRRM4 suppresses microexon inclusion and promotes tumor growth across cancers“, PLoS Biol 19(2): e3001138.

– Hernandez-Alias, Xavier; Benisty, Hannah; Schaefer, Martin H.; Serrano, Luis 2021, ‘Translational adaptation of human viruses to the tissues they infect’, Cell Reports, 34, 11, 108872.

Selected research activities

The new category of the 2021 “Premis Nacionals de Recerca” to the creation of a Science-based company,  has been awarded to the CRG for its role in the promotion of Pulmobiotics SL, a spin-off dedicated to new treatments and vaccines for respiratory diseases through synthetic biology.

He has been appointed member of the Advisory Committee of the 2021 Edition – International Talent Monitor of Barcelona Global, member of SAB of the BioQuant center, Heidelberg Universirty, and of the BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies and CIBSS Centre for Integrative Biological Signalling Studies University of Freiburg.

ICREA Memoir 2021