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Iñigo González Ricoy

ICREA Acadèmia 2020

Universitat de Barcelona · Humanities

Iñigo González Ricoy

I am an associate professor of political philosophy at the University of Barcelona. I am also a member of the Barcelona Institute of Analytic Philosophy and an external member of the Chaire Hoover d'éthique économique et sociale at the Université de Louvain and the Law and Philosophy group at UPF, where I held postdoctoral positions in the past. I have also been a visiting researcher at Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Columbia, UCL, NYU, and Minho, a visiting professor at UPF, and an assistant professor at UB, where I got my PhD in 2012.

Research interests

My research is in legal and political philosophy, and revolves around three areas. The first focuses on the changing nature of work and labor relations, which I pursue as the co-PI of a research project on justice and nonstandard employment, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science. The second asks which duties, if any, we have toward generations to come and how to best realize them, an output of which is Institutions for Future Generations, a volume I recently coedited for OUP. The third inspects foundational issues in democratic theory, including the relationship between constitutionalism and democracy, the allocation of voting rights, and the link between economic and political disparities.


Democratic theory, intergenerational justice, work.

ICREA Memoir 2021