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Javier Rodrigo Sánchez

ICREA Academia 2018

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona · Humanities

Javier Rodrigo Sánchez

Javier Rodrigo, born in Saragozza in 1977, is Associate Professor -recognized for Full professorship-, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. PhD (2004) in History (European University Institute) and postdoctoral researcher at the London School of Economics, has later been âEURoeJuan de la CiervaâEUR Research Fellow at the University of Zaragoza and âEURoeRamón y CajalâEUR Research Fellow at the UAB.

He is the author or coordinator of 18 books on concentration camps history, mass violence,  the Spanish Civil War and Total war in Europe, fascism, historiography or  the global history of Civil Wars. His last books include Comunidades rotas. Una historia global de las guerras civiles, 1917-2017 (2019, English edition 2023), Fascist Italy in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 (Routledge 2021) and Generalísimo. Una metabiografía de Franco, 1892-2020 (2022). 

He coordinates the H2020 Project SO-CLOSE on forced displacements in Europe.

Research interests

I am interested in war, violence, terror and genocide, civil war, total war, forced displacements, eliminationist theories and practises (particularly fascism), historiography and cultural representations. 

Currently I am coordinatong two parallel projects: Horizon2020 Project SO-CLOSE, Enhancing Social Cohesion through Sharing the Cultural Heritage of Forced Migrations, and POS-C-WARS, Posguerras civiles: violencia y reconstrucción nacional en España y Europa, 1939-1949. In addition, I have completed a meta-biography of Francisco Franco and a history of historical fascism representations in the present. 


Civil Wars, Europe, Violence, Fascism, Genocide, War Experience, Historiography, Spain

ICREA Memoir 2021