Majid Ebrahim-Zadeh received his PhD from St Andrews, UK, in 1989. He was a Royal Society Research Fellow during 199-2001 and joined ICFO as ICREA Professor in 2003. He has >600 publications, including 210 journal papers, 110 invited talks, 18 book chapters, invited journal papers and reviews, and has edited 2 books. He has served as advisory and topical editor of Optics Letters, guest editor of J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, associate editor of IEEE Photonics Journal, associate editor of Optica, and on advisory board and expert evaluation panel of various scientific councils including ERC Advanced Grants (2014-2020). He is director and chief scientist of Radiantis, a Fellow of OSA and SPIE, recipient of two Royal Society Merit Awards (UK: 1995, 1999), Innova Prize (Spain: 2004), Berthold Leibinger Innovation Prize (Germany: 2010), and OSA David Richardson Medal (USA: 2021).